Chapter 15

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"Hey Foster!" Keefe said as she sat with her friends with a tray full of food.

"I'm surprised that you didn't get detention!" Sophie exclaimed earning laughs from Dex and Biana and a smile from Fitz, his warm comforting smile.

"Pfffttt," Keefe practically shouted, looking offended, "like I would miss the first school with Foster!" Keefe told her, putting his arm around Sophie.

Sophie glared at Keefe and tried to escape his grip.

"What do you have?" Dex asked, "I have camtasia roots."

Sophie looked at her slush kind, it was blue, "I don't know, but I would just call it blue slush."

"What's that?" Fitz and Biana asked in unison.

"It's basically ice mixed with artificial flavour, it's really good!"

"Why didn't we try any when we were in Flogern- or something!" Keefe groaned.

"Florence," Fitz corrected.

Sophie took a bite of her so called "blue slush," it tasted like cupcakes.

"Are you finished?" Dex asked as Sophie swallowed her last bite, she nodded.

"Come on Foster," Keefe said looping his arm with hers, "we have agriculture to go to!"

Sophie nodded.

"Bye," Biana called after them.

Sophie and Keefe walked together, quietly to their agriculture class, holding hands.

Hey all of the Sokeefes out there!


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