Chapter 17

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I know you guys want to read the story.

Today is the weekend! 

So I'm going to post like a lot of chapters today...

But tomorrow were back to Monday which means 2 chapters per day.

Yesterday (Saturday) I was super busy but still managed to get 3 parts down!

I have a new story coming out! 

KOTLC React, I know there are a lot out there but I have tons of great ideas

And that means most of the chapters will be on that story...


I hope you go check it out!

And if you have any ideas for my KOTLC: A tour with Sophie, then please comment them and I will use your ideas.

That's all I wanted you to know and let's get on with this chapter!


Sophie stared at Stina, she had grown so tall and even thinner than she was before, her blonde hair finally reached her shoulders, Stina had a frown on her face.

"So today... We are going to be- well you 3 are going to be replanting carnasia bulbs," Bloth told Sophie, Keefe and Stina, while holding up a fist sized garbage canned colour (the green) bulb.

"EEEEEWWWW! Why do I have to be in this class again anyways?" Stina shrieked.

"Here," Feur said passing Sophie a map, "you guys will be working together."

Sophie could hear Keefe groan and tried not to do that herself. She looked down at the map in her hands, the gnomes had x-ed the places where they wanted them to plant.

"And what will you be doing," Stina asked rudely to Feur.

 Feur, who was not surprised of Stina's little freak out said, "don't get so angry here, you wouldn't have the food you had today if it weren't for gnomes, and we will be doing the same as you, your not going to be moaning about an excuse."

Maybe Stina was here last year, Sophie thought.

Bloth clapped his hands together, "get to work."

Keefe held Sophie's hand keeping away from Stina as far as he could, "I hate this!" Keefe groaned.

Sophie dropped the basket of carnasia bulbs to the ground and began digging a hole, Keefe kneeled beside her and helped.

"Keefe! Your supposed to use a shovel not your hands!" Sophie told him, "and your not touching me." She added when Keefe was waving his muddy hands on top of her head.

Stina batted her eyelashes, "don't worry Keefy, you could always hold my hand!" She reached for Keefe's hand and glared at Sophie, Sophie and Keefe returned the glare.

As the noise returned to silence, Sophie filled the hole up and walked to the next destination.

"You should be carrying something to," Sophie said and passed Keefe his clean shovel and Stina her shovel.

"Yuck!" Stina said eying the shovel.

"Get to work Stina!" Keefe told her.

"Foster, hand me the map!" Stina shouted, "I'll go dig some holes like Keefy wanted me to." And with that she ran off.

"And were having this every Tuesday for a year..." Sophie moaned.

"Now finally she's gone, wait- how many bulbs do we have to plant?" Keefe asked.

"I think thirty-"

"THIRTY?!" Keefe shouted, "that's imposible!"

"At least Stina went to dig some holes." Sophie suggested.

"How are we supposed to do anything when Stina took the map?" Keefe asked.

Sophie shrugged, maybe they could just relax!

"Do you know what Fitz's last class is?" Sophie asked randomly, and regretted it as soon as it came out of her mouth.

Keefe smirked, "and why do you want to know that?"

"Never mind-"

"Uh uh," Keefe shook his index finger in her face, "you aren't changing the topic again!"

"Just randomly, asked I guess..." She really wanted Fitz to join this class, it would be much much times a thousand times better than Stina, and Sophie had a really special trust bond with him. She really wanted to talk to him about a lot of things but never had the chance.

"Oh, in that case he has I think... Elvin history- that sucks! I hope he falls asleep." He said winking at Sophie, making her blush.

Keefe kneeled down in front of her and used his hands to dig, Sophie tried to set the basket on the ground but tripped at fell onto Keefe, with the whole basket of carnasia bulbs spilling on top of them.

"Okay, I get you liked me- obviously, but you didn't have to do that." Keefe said when they had detangled themselves, "by the way your picking that up."

Sophie wrinkled her nose and looked at the carnasia bulbs rolling everywhere, "Keefe!" She picked up a bulb and aimed at Keefe's head, it hit his nose.

"Oh, it's soooooo on!" He shouted and picked up several carnasia bulbs, considering that his hands were twice the size as Sophie's.

"No! No! I didn't mean- Ahhhh!" She screamed when Keefe started bombing her with the bulbs.

Sophie picked up as much bulbs she could while shielding her face and threw the bulbs at Keefe, she couldn't see if she had hit her target or not but she heard Keefe shriek so she guessed that she hit him.

As Keefe threw his last bulb from his hand at her, Sophie saw a carnasia bulb roll into the trees, knowing that others could be doing that and it was going to take forever to pick up.

"Okay, okay, let's stop now." She told him, "I'll pick up the ones in the woods and you can put all the scattered ones here."

"Aw, come on! You ruin the fun!" He didn't argue to pick them up.

Sophie walked towards the woods, picking up the bulbs in her way.

  "Come on!" Keefe shouted as Sophie spotted another bulb.

"Stop rushing!" She shouted back.

Suddenly a black hooded figure appeared and Sophie didn't even have time to scream.

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