Chapter 8

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Sophie's eyes fluttered open, her head was hurting a lot and this time she wasn't in her usual hospital bed with Elwin, Keefe, not Fitz was carrying her.

"Finally Foster! You've been quiet a heavy load." He teased.

"Sorry," she groaned as her headache got worse, "where's Fitz?"

"OHH!" Keefe said pretending to look offended. "I saved your life and now all your thinking of is Fitz?"

"Did someone say my name?" Fitz said, "oh, hey Sophie your finally awake!"

"You can put me down now," she told Keefe, "I'm capable of walking on my own."

"Fine." Keefe said setting her down.

Her legs felt weak as she stood, all the blood rushed to her head and she wobbled a few steps. Her headache turned into something that felt like when she had an allergy and Mr. Forkle had stabbed a needle into her.

Sophie's legs couldn't support her anymore and she collapsed.

Everything went black again.


Cliffhanger, huh!

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