Chapter 6

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Sophie pulled out her imparter, "show me Alden Vacker." She told the imparter and Alden's face appeared on the screen, Alden looked almost identical to Fitz, it was just the height difference and Fitz's teal eyes were more darker than Alden's.

"Hi Sophie," Alden said flashing her a famous Alden smile, "what did you want to talk about?"


"Oh, that's right! Your sister is secure in her home, we just wanted to ask you that-"

"I want to visit her." She peeped.

"WHAT?" Alden shouted as Fitz, Biana, Keefe, Dex and Sandor bursted into her room, making Sophie jump up from her desk.

"If she goes then I go to!" Fitz told his dad.

"Me too!" Biana exclaimed.

"Me three." Dex added.

"ME FO-"

"Okay,  we haven't even discussed anything yet." Alden said interrupting Keefe.


"I mean she must be scared our. Ugh. Her family was just taken from her and I was her sister so I'm hoping I could ask her some details." She told Alden when they finally got all her friends and her overprotective body out of her room, she knew they were still listening.

"I was about to send washers-"

"WHAT NO, sorry, um no!" She half shouted and sent Sandor and Fitz bursting into her room.

"I thought I told you to stay outside!" Sandor hissed at Fitz, Fitz just shrugged.

"You guys can go now!" She told them after she explained how she "accidentally" shouted.

"And I need to get my- her mom and dad back, I have to know why the Neverseen kidnapped them and-"

"I suppose but just one day won't be enough to gather info... And if you were going to ask if you could go everyday, the answer is a definite no, the forbidden cities are forbidden. Plus, Fintan could strike a fire anytime! It's far too dangerous if you expose our cities." Alden reminded her.

"I know but I'll be careful-"

"But if you're going to be gone everyday then what will happen to your studies?" Alden interrupted again.

"I could live with my sister again..." Sophie suggested, knowing that it was impossible.

"I'll think about it, the Neverseen cannot track you in the forb-"

"Can we not call it the forbidden cities? Just like the human city, or something."

Alden sighed, "the Neverseen cannot track you in the human realm, but I'm sure the'll send a spy, like Gethen, remember how disguised he was when he tried to take you?"

Sophie cringed. "But just think about it! We could finally stop the Neverseen once and for all, well maybe not forever." She added when Alden gave her a thats-impossible look.

"How." Was the only word Alden said.

"My sister, the neverseen had obviously threatened them and i think my sister heard when she was in the closet, it'll give us clues..."

"Fine," Alden sighed, "let's just get this over with, you can visit her tomorrow."

"Can I take her here?" She knew she had gone a little too far.

"ABSULOTLEY NOT!" Alden shouted, Sophie crossed her fingers that Sandor wouldn't come storming in here.

Her prayers were answered.

"Maybe I could bring Tam and Linh, Tams' a shade, maybe he'll be useful?"

Alden shook his head, "you're only going there once."

"But, my sister will probably suffer from deep depression, and if we don't get her mom and dad back... She'll be an orphan."

"We'll discuss this tomorrow, when you come to Everglen. Now I have to speak to the councillors." Alden told her, the stern look on his face made it clear. No. More. Excuses.

Sophie sighed as Alden's face disappeared, she put her imparter by Iggy's cage which now was clean and headed towards the door.

Before she could put her hand on the knob the door swung open, Fitz, Dex, Biana, Keefe and Sandor were standing outside and Sandor had his meaty arms crossed.

"What?" She asked when everyone gave her frowns.

Can we talk alone? Fitz transmitted.

Sure, she transmitted back. Keefe obviously knew that they were having a telepathic conversation.

"Spill it Foster." Keefe said, smirking.

"There's nothing to spill about." She told him as Fitz pulled her away.

Let's just talk telepathically, I know their still listening. Fitz transmitted.


Spill it, his smirk was even bigger than Keefe's.

Well I asked your dad- Alden that I should visit my sister because she is obviously really scared and-

"Can you tell us- all." Dex said.

Sophie tried to hide her groan.

I asked Alden that I wanted to visit Amy, she's obviously scared and it'll give us more clues on how to find Neverseen, Alden said that the Neverseen couldn't track us down but they have Gethen as a spy. Sophie transmitted to Dex, Fitz, Keefe and Biana.

Did he say yes? Dex thought.

Sophie nodded.

I'm going too, Fitz transmitted.

No you're not, she transmitted and Fitz scowled at her.

Wait who's going? Keefe thought and glanced at Fitz.

"I can tell that you're planning something." Sandor interrupted, "your not going anywhere."


"I think it's time for you kids to go home." Grady said saving her from spilling everything to Sandor.

Keefe groaned, "but Foster hasn't told us anything yet."

"Am I your best friend?" Dex whispered.

"Yeah! Why?"

"Then why don't you tell me anything?" And with that Dex pulled out his pathfinder.

Tomorrow, she transmitted to Dex.

Fitz gave her a worried look as he and Biana left.

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