Chapter 29

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"OHMPHOOROOGROOPH," Sophie practiced, that was the only letter she could remember, was Lady Adverna serious?

"Sophie?" Grady asked popping out from a corner.

"Hi dad," Sophie said fumbling with her cape.

Grady laughed.

"So, what's for dinner?" Sophie asked awkwardly trying to break the silence.

"I think your mom is cooking Farneatase bark," Sophie raised an eyebrow, they were eating bark?

"I'm bathing Goldie," Grady told her, "would you like to help?"

Sophie didn't have anything planned for this afternoon, and it would help Grady a lot since she could transmit to Goldie (their flaredon) and keep her calmed.

"Sure," she answered and Grady led her to one of the newest pastures he and Edaline somehow found a way to get, Grady called it the special bathing area since overtime they bathed an animal it would get super messy.

Friend, Sophie transmitted as Goldie reared back.

Friend, Sophie transmitted a few times and Goldie calmed down enough for Grady to put on a halter, he led them to a huge pasture with a fence surrounding it, some animal must have bathed here earlier because it was all dripping wet like it had just rained.

"Do you mind getting the red, orange and yellow bucket in the shed?" Grady asked as he tied Goldie's rope to a pole and let her run for a minutes before he bathed her.

"Sure," Sophie replied running to the shed that was near the Verminion pen. There were tons of soothing gels, shampoos and even kelpie dung, the one Grady had spread on Verdi when Sophie had first arrived, the stench was horrible and the whole shed smelled like it! Sophie grabbed the red, orange and yellow striped bucket it was filled with a blue slime, once she lifted it, it felt like dozens of pounds were added to her.

"Here I'll help," Grady said grabbing the bucket from her.

Sophie felt relieved and wanted to sit down, "what is that?" She asked as Grady spread the slime onto Goldie who didn't have a problem with it.

"It's a sludge that helps flaredons keep hot and within body temperature whenever- well let's just say Goldie's temperature won't drop when we rinse her."

Sophie nodded and helped Grady spread it, she played with it sometimes and soon when she returned to the bucket to get another handful of slime- it was all out.

"It's all out," Sophie told Grady who was  walking towards her, "is there a refill or something?"

Grady shook his head, "that's enough, do you want to put the shampoo on now. Just a thin layer, since flaredons unlike tyrannosaurus keep themselves pretty clean."

Sophie drizzled a thin layer of shampoo onto Goldie's back who freaked out.

It's okay, Sophie transmitted and sent a picture of her rubbing Goldie's back with shampoo.

Goldie stopped making weird noises and let Sophie put the rest of the shampoo on.


"Okay that's enough," Grady said yanking the bottle out of Sophie's hands as she tried to drizzled more."

Sophie got yanked back into reality and she looked at her work, Goldie was dripping with the orange shampoo,  bubbles covering her back, "sorry," she grumbled.

"Sophie you've done a great job, your mom's probably finished cooking and I'll finish rinsing," Grady motioned her to go back to their house with his dripping hands.


Sorry if I only had 1 chapter down today,

was super busy and I'll write 3 tomorrow.


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