Three Little Words Pt. 2

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ONCE AGAIN, CO-WRITTEN WITH fairyaverage!!!!!!! (Go read their stuff, it was an honor to write with them).

Time Skip One Week

Will sighed, gently sliding the key into the apartment's lock with a soft click. He pushed open the door, trying not to burst into tears as the swarm of memories came back. He closed the door behind him, and padded into the kitchen, his shoes sending hollow thuds throughout the flat.

Will sighed with a mixture of relief, and disappointment. Relief, because Nico wasn't home, and disappointment for the same reason. He walked over to the wood top island, seeing a piece of notebook paper laying on top. Looking down, his eyes filled with more tears.

There were three little words written on it. I love you.

Will closed his eyes, shaking his head. No. Nico couldn't just do that! Will's jaw clenched in the effort not to cry, swallowing thickly. He crumpled the paper in his hand, resting his knuckles on the island, head hanging. His blond curls were falling all over, back hunched forwards as he squeezed his eyes tighter.

Will knew Nico was there before the other boy spoke. He felt the younger boy's presence, the room actually dropping in temperature as Nico brought the shadows with him.

"Will," He whispered, and the said blond turned, leaning his lower back against the counter edge. "I, I'm sorry. You, you deserve someone that could love you as verbally as you love them." Nico looked at the ground, and Will ran his gaze over the other boy.

It was obvious he'd just woken up, seeing as he was in his pj's - black low riding sweatpants, and - was that Will's shirt?

"Is that my shirt?" Will blurted before he could stop himself, and Nico turned red. Nico didn't speak, leaving the two boys in an awkward silence.

"Will," Nico spoke, changing the subject. "I, I love you." The words flowed surprisingly easy, and Will's head snapped up. Nico too raised his head, fresh tears running down his stained cheeks.

Will's eyes narrowed, and he shifted closer to the raven haired boy. "Are you serious?!"

Nico flinched at the angry tone, eyes wide. "Yes! Will, I am! I, I've loved you for so long, but couldn't say it! It wasn't that I couldn't bring myself to say it, I literally couldn't say it!" Nico stepped forwards as he continued to rant, his hands against Will's chest, pushing him backwards, and pinning the taller man against the counter. "I tried so many times! And, and when you left, I said it! But I was too late. I'm always too late." Nico's voice cracked, and he took a rattling breath, "I ran after you, you know. You walked out, and I ran to the balcony, and screamed it." Nico gave a soft chuckle, which turned into a cough. "I lost my voice. It's still kind of weak," He tried clearing his throat, looking at the ground as he shifted his foot side to side.

Will couldn't help but let a small smile slip onto his face, "I actually thought I heard that." He mused, "But I didn't believe it, so I kept going. I thought that it couldn't be possible, you know?" Will let out a humorless laugh. He looked at the paper in his hand, and gently uncurled it, looking at the loopy scrawling of Nico's handwriting.

He suddenly looked up, his brilliant blue eyes boring into Nico's swirling brown ones. "I still love you."

Nico gave him a shy smile, and Will's grin only grew. But Nico could see he was scared, nervous.

Nico tilted his head up more, gasping as he realized how close Will actually was. Nico studied the older man's face, his long blond lashes, and the freckle that was somehow on his eye - half on the dazzling blue, which was made up of thousands of shades, and half on the white of his eye.

Will looked back at the shorter boy with the same intensity, eyes searching for how Nico is feeling, at the same time as asking; Do you still love me?

Nico's eyes flitted to Will's lips, his long lashes actually brushing against Will's cheeks, giving him a butterfly kiss.

"I love you William Solace, so fucking much." Will's eyes widened, not expecting a reply from Nico, but before he could say anything, familiar lips were against his.

Will's eyes slid shut, much like Nico's were, as he kissed back, his arms wrapped tightly around Nico's slim waist, the said boy standing on tiptoes - and still not tall enough to kiss him without tilting his head.

Will leaned down, letting Nico rest on the flats of his feet. Nico's lips moved slowly, his hands disappearing into Will's blond curls. He gasped slightly, as Will gripped his hips tighter, and Will's tongue slid into his mouth. Nico let out a quiet groan, tugging Will closer, as he felt Will slid his hand under the bottom of the t-shirt, trailing his fingers around his lower back. Nico tilted his head to the side, allowing the kiss to deepen even more.

Nico felt himself being pushed, forcing him to walk backwards, though Will followed. Nico was too lost in the kiss to notice what was going on, until he had to pull away from Will for air, only to find himself straddling the blond's hips on the couch, and shirtless. He blinked, feeling his ears turn red, and he hid his face in the blond's neck. Will chuckled, wrapping his arms tighter around the pale boy,

Nico pulled away, looking Will in the face. "I'm sorry." he whispered, not making eye contact. He focused on the top button of Will's shirt - which happened to be unbuttoned, and pushed off his shoulder. Nico ran his finger on the exposed collarbone, swallowing.

Will pressed his lips against Nico's forehead. "You don't have to apologize. It was my fault-"

But Nico was already shaking his head. "No, I didn't say it. I couldn't say I love you. Even when I did! Do!"

Nico stopped talking when Will pressed his lips against his again. Nico melted, sighing quietly as Will's gentle lips coaxed his open again, and before he knew it, they were making out, Will's back suddenly against the seat of the couch, with Nico hovering over him. Will responded greedily, his hands dipping into the sides of Nico's sweatpants, but didn't dare to go any further, knowing neither he, nor the boy on top of him, were ready.

Nico sat up, and managed to get Will's shirt off. He sat on top of Will's hips, and traced the defined v-line, and six pack, mesmerized by the perfectly tanned skin. Will watched him hungrily, letting his own warm hands trace the similar muscles on Nico's abdomen, watching them ripple as Will ran over a sensitive spot near his hip bone.

Nico lay back down, resting his cheek against Will's warm collarbone, closing his eyes as he relaxed into the familiar warmth he had missed. "Ti amo." He whispered, and Will gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

(Ti amo = I love you)

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