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I said I'd get this up, so here you go!

Dedicated to fairyaverage, for help with editing the letter!


"Yeah, so I was-" Nico was cut off, as someone began talking to the seven - Frank and Hazel were visiting, so everyone was at Camp. Usually, Nico would threaten this person, but oddly, he stayed silent. The rest of the seven noticed, but didn't say anything. Nico just looked away, and pretended to listen.

This continued to happen. Nico would speak, but his voice would be drowned out by a deeper  voice, one with more authority.

Annabeth was the first, and last, to bring it up. Nico had zoned out again, after being talked over, and was pulled back by his name being called. He looked up, to see Annabeth looking worriedly at him.

"Nico? You OK? You haven't been talking much." Nico shot Annabeth a warning look, but it was too late. The rest of the group noticed.

"Yeah, that's true!" Jason says, looking at Nico with narrowed eyes. Nico just shrugs, looking at the ground.

"He lost his voice." Someone says. The same one that's been interrupting Nico for months. "Isn't that right, Nico?" The boy shoots Nico a glare, and Nico nods, gulping. The five look at each other, before shaking their heads.

"For over a month? Yeah right." Percy says.

Nico just shrugs, not making eye contact with anyone. They continue to talk, before Annabeth grabs Nico's arm, and pulls him away. Against his will, he lets out a yelp, flinching as Annabeth drags him to the edge of the woods.

"What's going on Nico? I know you can talk."

Nico shrugged.

Nico. . ." Annabeth trailed off as a figure walked over, towering above Nico. The male rests his hands on Nico's shoulders, and the raven haired boy instantly stiffens.

"He's not bothering you, is he?"
Annabeth narrowed her eyes, as what was happening finally clicked. They'd thought of him as a friend, but he was hurting Nico.

"No." Her voice was quiet, deadly. Nico's head snapped up, and he shook his head, begging silently for her to drop the subject. But she ignored him. "He has opinions too-"

"Annabeth!" Nico broke, pleading with her. "It's OK, rea-" He gasped, cutting himself off as he fell to the ground with a cry. Immediately, Annabeth was standing over him protectively, a glare on her face. The rest of the seven rushed over, seeing what happened, but when they got there, Percy didn't stop.

He launched himself at the male, screaming profanities. It took Frank, Jason, Annabeth and Leo to hold him back. Hazel's golden eyes flashed angrily, as Piper held her around the waist, to stop her from rushing the older boy. Though they stopped the two, all of them wanted to do the same, but they knew bringing him to Chiron would be better.

In the middle of it, the boy who started it yanked on Nico's arm, and started dragging him away. Nico screamed, fighting against him, finally having enough.

"Everyone, ENOUGH!" Piper yelled, and everyone - except Nico, who charmspeak doesn't work on - froze. Nico scrambled away, and rushed to Percy and Annabeth, Jason sliding closer to them too. Nico hid in Percy's side, gripping the boy's sea green muscle shirt. Percy wrapped an arm around his shoulders, still shaking with anger.

Suddenly, Nico was yanked away from Percy, but before Percy could latch onto whoever it was, and throttle them, Nico stopped him by relaxing.

Percy gave a terse nod to the blond who was hugging Nico. The said blond ran his hands through Nico's hair, before holding out his hands.

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