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"Will!" I whined, tugging on his shirt. He shrugged me off, a tired noise of annoyance leaving his mouth. I frowned, trying to figure out how to get Will to face me, instead of having his back to me like he was now.
"Will, can we cuddle?"
A sigh was heard, before he finally turned over, untwisting the sheets from under him. But he didn't open his arms to welcome me. He kept his hands under his head.

Tears welled in my eyes as I pouted. He was being mean. It was a form of revenge almost, because I had been sketching earlier, and completely ignored Will.

"I said I was sorry!" I said, sitting up. "Will, please!"
I hated being ignored, and shoved away, and Will knew that it hurt me, it hurt so much. I'd finally opened up to someone else, and they throw my cold-heartedness right back.
"You know what, fine!" I practically shriek, as a sob manages to escape. I see Will's eyes snap open when he hears me cry, but I don't care. "You can keep being a jerk, I'll find someone else to cuddle with!" I shove the blankets off my legs, and stomp over to the door on the other side of my cabin, planning on going to Percy, who I knew would be willing to let me sleep in his cabin.
Just as I'm about to open the black oak door, Will speaks. "You're actually leaving?" I hear the genuine hurt in his voice, but don't turn around.
"I apologized at least three times, and wanted to make it up to you!" I managed, my left hand, which wasn't grasping the doorknob, beginning to shake.

I startled as Will's arms slid around my waist. I hadn't heard him get up. He pressed a gentle kiss to my shoulder, and I leaned my head back against him, closing my eyes, my wet lashes feeling heavy.
"I'm sorry too Love, I shouldn't have ignored you like that. Common, we can cuddle."
He lead me back to the bed, and gently tucked me under the blankets, before sliding in himself.
I turned so my back was to him, scooting backwards until I felt his toned chest. I snuggled into him, as he wrapped his arm securely around my waist. He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck, and I smiled, twisting to press a kiss on his lips, before settling down again, tucking my head under his chin.
"I love you Sunshine." I murmured tiredly, and I heard him whisper that he loved me too, before I let the gentle tug of sleep pull me away.

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