While he put them to bed I decided it was time for me to do the same. Being pregnant and a mother, wife and working is tiring. Turning out the front lights I made my way to our bedroom.

Mama j and the brown’s went home last week making it boring. I enjoyed myself while they were here mainly because I didn’t have to do much. Mama wouldn’t let me lift a finger let alone go to work, but tomorrow I have to.

“Everything good?” I asked as I seen Chris standing in the doorway. “Yeah. You okay?” He asked

He’s made it his duty to make sure I was okay at all times.

“Yes, just sleepy.” I yawned patting the spot next to me letting him know to bring his ass.

He wasted no time either. “Can you believe I’m pregnant again?” I asked absentmindedly while my hand rested on my growing stomach. There were no hiding it any more.

“Yeah I can.” He chuckled

“You trapped me?!” I joked

“Naw, I just called it on our wedding night.” He said

Sure as shit stank he did! “ You jinxed me!” I giggled

“No I just get what I want.” He kissed my neck while I rested my head on his chest. I honestly can’t see my life without Chris. With everything we’ve been through with each we always somehow found our self wrapped in each others arms. This was the man I wanted to be with for ever, and no one could change that.


Today I got to keep Mariah for the whole day, and I was happy to say the least. My baby grew up so beautifully and I wanted nothing more but to be apart of it.

“Where y’all gonna go?” Brittany asked.

She was taking me to Chris’s house.

“To the park. If my memory serves me right, she loved going to the park.” I smiled

“Aw that’s cute.” She smiled

She hasn’t seen Mariah in a long time, but that’s her god mom nonetheless.

“It’ll be fun.” I grinned as we pulled up into their long driveway.

“I’ll be back.” I said getting out

Knocking and stepping back a minute less the door open and there stood a beautifully dressed London. Even pregnant she looked amazing.

That reminded me on why I hated her ass. She was stunning.

“Oh Mariah’s putting her shoes on. Come in though.” She offered.

I haven’t talked to her since that day in the cafe.

I did as she said and followed her into their livingroom.

“She’s really excited to see you.” She smiled smoothing out her long brown hair.

“Oh.” I rolled my eyes

She nodded her head, but never said anything.

I think this good girl act is getting pretty old. Everyone know she can’t stand me, same as I can’t stand her weakass.

Their other daughter Morgan ran into the living room.

“Mommy daddy said I can’t wear my tinkerbell suit.” She whined. She was just as beautiful as her mother.

“Why?” London asked

“Iono.” She moved her shoulders up and down

“The nerve of him!” London pretended to be upset with Chris.

“Mhm.” The little girl nodded her head with her curls flopping everywhere

“Go tell daddy to let you wear your suit.” She said to her

“Okay momma!” She took off making her mama laugh.

I had to give it to her, she was a good mother.

Mariah came into the living room holding her little brother.

“He came in my room.” She said.

He was cute with curly hair as well. They have a beautiful family.

“Why you keep going in your sisters room.” London asked taking him out her hands.

“I wanted to play with her.” He pouted

“We can play when I come back King okay?” She asked

“Yeah we play in the backyard?” He asked

“Yeah.” She smiled giving him a hug and a kissed

“Morgan your sister leaving!” London yelled and pretty soon the little girl came running in the living room with her tinkerbell costume on.

“You come back?” She asked Mariah

“Yeah, mommy taking us to the movies.” She said pointing to London.

“Okay. Bye sister.” She smiled at Riah giving her a hug.

I can tell they look up to their older sister.

“Bye, be good guys.” Mariah instructed like the boss she was.

“Alright Riah have fun okay?” London said picking her up.

“Okay don’t have too much fun without me guys!” Mariah sung making everyone laugh.

“You don’t either.” London kissed her and returned her to the ground

I stood to my feet as she walked over to me.

“Good morning?” I smiled

“Hi.” She returned it

“You ready to have some fun?” I asked taking her hand

“Yup.” She said walking us to the door.

This was my chance to get my daughter back.


After making sure King and Morgan were fine at home with Dadtopher I took my tail to work.

“Good morning Mrs.Brown” One of the make-up artist greeted me as I pushed opened my office door.

“Morning honey.” I smiled

I felt good girl. This baby is making me do wonders.

Sitting my small cup of coffee that I’m not suppose to be drink down and my purse I sat at my deck logging onto my mac computer.

A small knock was placed on the door and I already knew it was Seiko. But when Seiko and Kae entered I was kinda taken back. I kinda thought she would have quit by now. Silly her. I’m finna work that tail.

“Good Morning.” I smiled at both of them

“Morning!” Seiko chirped

“Hello.” Kae said lowly

“What’s up girls.” I giggled

Just ignoring her makes her sad. What was her problem?

“Nothing, I came in here to catch you up on all the work you’ve missed in the last few weeks.” Seiko said breaking out her ipad.

“I guess I’m gonna be missing a lot more.” I said absentmindedly

“Why?” She asked

“Because I’m pregnant.” I said looking at the thousands of email’s I had coming in.

“SWEAR!” Seiko yelled

“I’m for real.” I mumbled replying to the most important one.

“This is amazing! I knew it, I knew it. You were all glowing-” I started tuning her out reading the email that had just were displayed upon my computer. It was an email from Nipsey. I swear I stay getting jammed up.  


London is in the sidebar. (thingy)

30 comments or I ain't updating that last chapter comments was upseting. 

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