Chapter 23

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*Sam POV*

"Who the fuck do you think you are getting tattoos today of all days!"

Dad, Ben and I sat on my brother's bed with our hands in our laps and our heads down, all of us looking like mistreated puppies while my mother stood in front of us acting like there was a ring of fire around her head as she shouted at us. Jade sat on the chair we had placed her in back when she was bounded which she no longer was. Instead she sat cross legged, stroking her newly found pet bunny while smirking as she listened to my mother's yelling as if it was music.

"Do you realize how deep in hard core shit you are in right now, Benjamin?"

Oh shit she called him by his longer name.

"Don't go smirking at me, Sam. You were there when it happened. I know you little shit are the brains between the two of you. You put him up to this, didn't you?" DIDN'T YOU?" I shrugged and kept my gaze down, unwilling to meet mom in the eyes.

"Elle, I know you're angry but it's 2:30 in the morning and Jade has a performance tomorrow. Shouldn't we go to bed-"

"Shut your trap Rob! I am just as pissed off with you as I am with those shit heads!" I had to gulp back a laugh at mom's new nickname for us. She was getting more creative with her colorful nicknames by the minute.

"You bound my baby up like she was some preppy pimp. How dare you!" The three of us glanced over at Jade glaringly as she dropped the smirk and cuddled closer to her bunny rabbit.

"In all honesty mom, I was going to get these tattoos at some point in my life already. I just sped up the process." I internally cursed at my brother for speaking again as I watched mom get set off again about the tattoos.

"You were grounded! Why were you out late? Rob, why were they out late?"

"Elle I have no idea. Normally they listen to our judgement..." Dad cut in only to be interrupted by the little princess herself.

"The longer you believe that statement is true the worse our problems will become. First it was paint, then it was shaving Mr. Daphine's cat then it was burning down all of Mrs. Ander's poppies and then it was that time that Ben blew up that..."

"Mom, Dad, what Jade is getting at is that you both never truly enforced our punishments. We just did whatever because we knew that you guys would cool off the next morning and we could go on doing what we wanted to do." I stated in a level tone.

I watched as mom and dad had a silent conversation with their eyes before mom broke it with the classic word shit.

"Elle it'll all be fine tomorrow. We will all just be a happy little family watching our daughter perform. We don't even need to bring Ben along. His door still has a lock on it..."

"Actually the lock is busted and Sam and I have figured out a way to climb in and out of the window." Ben stated stupidly making me glare his way.

"Are you trying to make us both go to an early grave because if you are, then you are succeeding beautifully." Ben quickly looked back to his hands on his knees and went silent.

It was at that moment that things went wrong. Mom was silent which was weird and Dad was no longer sitting on the bed which was normally a bad idea when mom was still pissed off. Jade seemed to feel the change too because she glanced at me with her usual blank look of what the fuck is going on expression.

I have something to tell you all." Mom said grimly causing everyone to turn towards her curiously.

"What's the matter Elle? What's going on?" Dad asked cautiously while Ben whispered the usual baby scare rumor. Thankfully it was not that type of a scare. It was worse.

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