Chapter 15

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*Lucy POV*

"You probably gave him a concussion, Jade." Alice said delightfully as the three of us walked out of the dance studio, bags in hand.

"If he has a concussion from a flying pointe shoe to the head, than he has problems that I did not start. The guy is fine. And plus, he deserved it." Jade finished. Alice chuckled happily and pushed open the door to the main studio entrance, letting the cold winter wind in. I tucked my scarf a little tighter around my neck and into the coller of my jacket before following the group outside.

"Out of everyone in that room, Todd is the guy to deserve a pointe shoe to the face. Although Drew may be a close second." Alice added. Jade stopped on the stairs and waited for me to join her before continuing down alongside Alice.

"What did you think of my pointe shoe throwing skills, Lucifer?" I shrugged, but after seeing a flash of concern cross Jade's face, I quickly added a remark on how Todd always deserves a pointe shoe to the back of the head.

I took another few steps down the stairs before a commotion came from the studio door making the three of us pause. Our mistake.

Up above in what was most definitely a swarm, Dan, Phil, Andrew and David came rushing down the steps toward us. I quickly pushed myself to the wall and saw Alice follow my move. Jade however, froze in the middle of the steps, confused. The boys ran up to her, Alice and myself and started calling out about how wonderful Jade looked after falling down the stairs and petting her head. 

This caused Jade to glare at the group of them again and as Andrew came close to her bag she turned to him and actually hissed. Classic Jade.

Unfortunately for Andrew, he was not expecting this and actually jumped back. Since he was on the stairs that meant he went backward. Thankfully for Andrew, Phil was standing below him and was able to stabilize him before hitting the concrete bottom. 

"What is wrong with you lot?" I called out, seriously concerned for their sudden hyper take over on the steps of all places.

"Good question. Boys, what are you doing?" A voice that soon came out to be Todd, asked with fake concern in his voice. He stood right behind Jade and seemed to magically appear behind her. Jade almost seemed to jump out of her skin when she turned to see Todd only a few inches from her. This made me almost smile. Almost.

"Sorry about this girls. They must have eaten something out of my snack bag. Excuse us." And with that, Todd and the rest of the boys quickly scouted around us and ran down the steps,  a few at a time until the three of us girls were once again left on the stair well.

"What the fuck just happened?" Alice asked, looking around bewailed. Jade and I shared looks of confusion. 

"I think they stole Jade's phone." A voice said from the door way. We looked up and saw Bianca, wrapped up in her crisp light blue coat tucked tightly around her, watching us. 

Jade quickly looked down at her bag for a split second before cursing dramatically and then continued to run down the stairs, after the boys.

Alice and I followed after her without a second thought and had just made it to see Jade with her arms crossed in front of a smirking Todd.

"What was that for?" Jade demanded, snatching her iPhone out of his hand. Todd lost the smirk and replaced it with a knowing look.

"You hit me in the back of the head with a shoe and expect to get a way with it? Please Jade. You're smarter than that." 

"That does not mean you have to steal my phone. Also you failed at it since I now have it back." Jade concluded. Todd smiled again making Jade stop and look down at her phone for a hesitant moment before looking back up at him.

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