Sirius Black x Child!Reader

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After James and Lily had died and your father had gone to Azkaban, you'd gone to live with Remus.
You'd been sleeping when all that had happened, and it's only fitting that you be sleeping when it's all resolved.
You wake up in the morning to a familiar voice saying, "I've already told you, Moony! I'm fine!"
You sit up suddenly. Had you been hearing things?
"Pads--" Moony begins.
"How is Y/N? Sleeping well? Eating well? Healthy? Good grades? Please tell me Y/N was like you and not me. Moony, it's been twelve years. Is [s]he happy? [S]he's been sleeping all night! Can't I wake [him/her]? C'mon, Moony! That's my kid."
"If you keep shouting [s]he'll be up soon." Moony growls. "Shut up, Sirius."
It's him! It's your father.
You jump out of bed and run into the kitchen, skidding to a stop when you see his ragged appearance.
You'd been excited, but as soon as you see you see him you backpedal, shooting a scared look at Moony.
Your father looks like a madman.
"Merlin." Sirius stands. "You're so grown. You're... Merlin."
He doesn't look near as crazy now. He looks calm, awed, even.
And that scares you more.
You gives Remus another panicked look.
He gives an affirmative nod, and you launch into your father's arms, nearly throwing him off-balance.
Sirius takes a few steps to avoid falling and hugs you tightly, kissing the top of your head. "I've missed you. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you. How are you? I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Merlin, I'm sorry. I know I messed up. Moony's told me everything. I'm so, so proud of you. Oh, Merlin, please forgive me--"
From what you remember, he could ramble forever.
"I love you, Dad." You start sobbing. "I love you. I missed you."
"I love you too. Merlin, I'm sorry, Y/N. Merlin, I screwed up. I'm so sorry. Merlin, I can't believe I've missed your whole life. I've missed everything. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He hugs you tighter.
"It's okay, Dad. It's okay. I love you. I'm glad you're back. I'm sorry, Daddy." You put your face in his shoulder.
You'd spent your whole life (after you'd gone to live with Sirius, that is) hearing stories about 'the Marauders' and their shenanigans, then that duty had shifted solely to Remus, and they were all just as good.
From what you'd heard, you'd be a major disappointment.
"No. No, sweetheart. You don't have anything to apologize for. I'm so unbelievably proud of you." He says emphatically, then adds quietly, "I just wish I would have been there."
"Dad, did you kill Peter?" You ask, pulling back to look at him.
"No. I didn't get the chance."
"So... You would have?"
"Yes." He says matter-of-factly.
You have several thoughts about that, but you don't voice any of them, only return your face to his shoulder.
"Has my boy Moony been good to you?" Sirius asks, trying to lighten the mood.
Moony had slipped out unnoticed about five apologies ago.
You nod vehemently. "Yes, he's been great. Dad, they put Harry with these awful Muggles--"
"Don't worry, we'll deal with that. All in due time. First, tell me everything that's happened." He lets you go and pulls out a chair at the table for you.
You sit. "I thought Moony told you everything."
"He did. But I want to hear it from you." He takes a seat diagonally from you and listens intently, looking at you as people look at Michaelangelos.
"Dad, how are you not dead? How are you not insane?" You ask in the middle of your recount.
He smiles with a tender look. "I had to get back to you, didn't I?"


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