James Sirius Potter x Reader

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"Sod off, Potter." You roll your eyes and keep walking.
"Oh, c'mon, Y/L/N."
"I fancy you; you fancy me. Let's call it a date."
"One problem."
"What?" He asks.
"I don't fancy you."
"Leave her alone, James." Albus says.
"Get to class. They have special punishments for kids who're late." James says.
"No they don't, Albus. It's fine." You roll your eyes. "Don't be a jerk, Potter." You walk away.
He's going to have to stop. You've been denying him for six years, and it only gets harder.
"Come on, Y/L/N." Potter calls after you.
You don't give him the victory of turning around, no matter how much you want to.
That night, you fall asleep on the couch in the common room, a book in your hands. You wake up when a blanket drapes over you and your book is slipped from your hands. You crack your eyes open to see James Potter marking your page and putting your book on the table.
He wasn't allowed to be nice. Didn't he know?
Saturday, you're taking a walk around the grounds when a somebody on a broom zooms past you, sweeping you up with them. You scream.
"Hey, chill. It's me." None other than James Sirius Potter says.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" You scream. "Put me down!"
"No can do, Y/L/N."
"James Potter!"
"That's me."
"What makes you think you have the right?" You demand indignantly.
"I've got footsteps to follow."
"I know for a fact that your father didn't behave like this--"
"Oh, no. Not my father. Him too, of course, but today I'm choosing to follow in his father's footsteps. It's quite fun. Nobody likes being good all the time. You should know."
"I am good all the time!"
"Exactly. And it's boring, isn't it? What's the wildest thing you've done?"
"Been swept--"
"--Off your feet by yours truly?"
"I was going to say onto a broom by an asshole."
"Same difference."
"We'll get in trouble. I'm not getting in trouble for you. Put me down."
"Oh, you know you'd do anything for me."
"Like break your teeth? I'd love to!"
"I'll put you down if you kiss me."
Might as well take your chance, right? So you kiss him.
The broom takes a steep dive and you scream. He grabs you as his back hits the ground and the two of you proceed to roll across the lawn. When you come to a stop, you roll off of him as he starts laughing.
You sit up and glare, but any laughter's contagious, especially his. You can't refrain from joining him.
After a while, he sits up. "I'm sorry. That was unintentional."
"Yeah, I'm sure it was." You smile.
"That was fun. Wanna do it again sometime? We can skip the broom part."
"So just kiss?"
"Well, since you suggested it..."


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