Peter Pan (OUAT) x Reader

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You wake up in a strange place.
You start to stand, but you're tied up.
"What the--" You begin.
"Hello." A voice says.
You can't see the speaker, but you recognize the voice.
"Peter Pan?"
"That's me." He says, hopping down from who knows where. He kneels in front of you and puts his fingers under your chin, making you keep eye contact. "Hello, darling."
"Get off me." You jerk your head away. "My father will find me."
"Hook? No. No, he won't. Not here." He smiles.
"Then untie me."
"And risk you escaping?"
You smile. "All right, Peter. Jig's up. These ropes hurt."
He smiles and cuts the ropes.
"What was this for?" You ask, standing up and stretching.
"Well, with your father, we never get to be alone." He shrugs, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Well, murder attempts tend to dampen family dinners." You say, kissing his cheek.
"Hey, I volunteered to try. He's the one trying to kill me. I do all I do purely in self defense." He smirks.
You can't help but laugh. "Okay, Pan. When are you taking me home?"
"When you get tired enough of me to beg." He grins.
"All right, I won't beg." You smile.
He smiles and kisses you. "That sounds good to me."


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