Clint Barton x Reader

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You sit on your porch, casually watching Clint drive the tractor. After a moment, you get up and walk towards him through the field. He sees you coming and cuts the engine. "I'm almost done. I'll be in in a minute." He gives you a tired smile.
You climb up there with him and perch on his knee.
"Something the matter?" He asks, sliding his arms around your waist.
"Nope." You smile, pushing his sweat-matted hair from his face, pecking his lips. "Having fun out here?"
"Well, I am now." He smiles, pulling you down to him and kissing him.
"You aren't too tired?" You grin. He always complains about being tired when he's been mowing all day.
"Never too tired. Wanna go inside?"
"No. You're not done with your work." You withdraw from his arms and jump down.
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." He says.
"Work first, play later." You grin and go inside.
Needless to say, he speeds it up a little.

For my redneck friend, the-fiction-is-real

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