Leo Valdez x Reader

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"Don't do it, Leo." You say.
He shrugs. "What're you gonna do about it? Nothing."
"Leo, please."
"Look, babe. It's better this way. This is what has to be done--"
"It doesn't have to be done! I'm going to cry." You warn.
"It does, Y/N. I'm sorry--"
"Just because you want to die doesn't mean that you can!"
"Oh, honey. I don't want to die. I've got a lotta life left to live. It'll work out. Everything always works out for the McShizzle."
You start crying. "And if it doesn't, Leo?" You ask quietly, staring at him through a computer screen.
He gives a smile. "Then it'll still work out, huh?"
"Leo Valdez--"
"Hey, Leo!" Someone said in the background. "We have a goddess to defeat. You coming?"
It was Percy Jackson.
"Yeah, I'm coming. Hold on."
"Hey, Y/N!" Percy calls to you.
"Percy!" You yell.
You figure that if you can tell Percy of Leo's plan, that Percy can talk some sense into him.
But you hear a door shut.
No luck.
"I gotta go, baby." Leo says, blowing you an overly-dramatized kiss.
"I'm sorry I told you, I shouldn't have stressed you out more. I love you, okay?" He sends his signature charming smirk and hangs up.
You debate getting on a plane to Athens, but you decide that you can't.
After all, the Romans are coming, and, with that, a battle is likely to ensue.

There is a battle, but somehow Leo Valdez and his crew show up.
Leo plants a big kiss on your lips.
"Thank the gods--" You begin, about to chastise him.
"Not over yet, babe." He gives a smile and hops on Festus.
You watch anxiously as Jason, Piper and Leo fly up to attack Gaea.
Out of nowhere, an onager is fired, hitting where Gaea is in an explosion of fire.
"Oh my gods." You say expressionlessly.
"Oh my gods." You repeat emphatically, realizing what had just happened.
This must be how Pepper Potts felt when Tony flew that nuke into space.
"No." You start towards the wreckage of Festus.
There's a hand on your arm, though, and it makes you stop and turn around.
Nico di Angelo has his hand on your arm.
He looks terrible--worse than usual, that is.
"My gods, Nico. What happened to you?" You ask, eyes wide. "Are you okay?"
He nods. "Yeah. But Leo isn't dead."
"I'd know. He isn't dead."
You let out a rather large sigh of relief and hug him. "I used to have a crush on Percy too." You say. "I don't think there's anyone who's met him that hasn't fancied him. That may just be me though." You shrug and go to find Leo.
Jason and Piper are searching too.
Festus was destroyed with Gaea, but Leo could fix that.
Piper hugs you. "Oh, gods, Y/N. I'm so sorry--I had no idea--"
She's crying.
"Nico said he isn't--" You begin.
"Yoohoo, over here." Leo's voice says.
You all turn towards him.
You and Piper run towards him, tackling him off the pile of rubble he was standing on. The three of you roll down it. Jason comes flying down after you.
That evening, you sit in Bunker 9 with Leo.
He's trying to fix Festus--sort off. He'd only found a few salvageable pieces--but he keeps mumbling angrily to himself.
"Leo." You say, even though he doesn't like to be interrupted when he's working.
"What?" He asks, grabbing something from his tool belt and using it on the scrap of metal in front of him.
"Come here."
You get up and slip the tool from his hands, turning him around to face you.
"I messed up." He said quickly. "I have to fix it. I--"
You kiss him.
"That was a very nice way of you telling me to shut up. Can we make that tradition? Now I'll get, like, a million kisses a day--you tell me to shut up a lot, huh?"
You smile and kiss him again.
"See? Working already."
"Gods, Leo. How much is it gonna take for you to respond to my gestures?"
"Not much." He kisses you.
"Leo?" You ask after a bit, pulling away.
"Hm?" He leans forward to try to kiss you again.
"You're really hot." You pull back again.
He smirks. "Well, thanks, babe. But I already know that."
"Leo, you're on fire." You step back.
"I know."
"You're literally on fire!" You half shout, jumping away.
"Schist." He said, and the fire beginning to encase his body died out. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
"No. I'm fine." You take a deep breath.
If Pepper can deal with Tony, surely you can deal with Leo.
"It's fine." You say, stepping towards him again.
He scrambles back, holding out a hand.
"Leo." You sigh.
Then again, Tony Stark didn't generally push Pepper away like that.
Or catch on fire.
But there had been that time when his suit came in the middle of the night.
You'd take the fire.
"No. Just... sh." He closes his eyes, leaning against the table. He opens his eyes again after a while. "I'm sorry." He says.
"It's okay." You don't move. "You wanna talk about anything, sweetheart?"
He shakes his head. "No. Could you step back a few paces? You're in the Danger Zone."
"Leo." You sigh.
"Please, Y/N? I don't want to hurt you."
"Just back up."
You back up, and he gets back to work on Festus.
"So." He clears his throat. "What happened while I was gone?"
You say a couple of things, to which he generally ohd and uh-huhd.
"Yeah. So that. And I'm pregnant."
"Hm." He said, then turns sharply to face you. "What? How? When? Who? What?"
"Just checking."
"Who?" He demands again.
"Nobody. I was just seeing if you were paying attention."
"You scared me." He turns back to his work.
"Why? Don't you want a kid someday?"
"I dunno. Haven't thought about it. Maybe. I just didn't want it to be somebody else's."
"Of course not."
"What're we gonna name it?"
"I'm not pregnant."
"Oh, right. My bad."
You come up behind him and turn him around to face you again.
You kiss him. His eyes shoot open and his body goes rigid, but nothing happens. No fire, no meteors.
"See? It's okay." You say quietly.
"I love you." He whispers, kissing you deeply. "I missed you and I love you."
You smile up at him "You too, Bad Boy Supreme."


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