Remus Lupin x Child!Reader

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"I got you a present!" Uncle Prongs grins, holding a long, skinny parcel.
"What?" Your sister asks excitedly.
"Nope!" Your father swoops in the room and pushes Prongs out.
"What?" James asks.
"That is a broom." Remus says.
"It is a broom! Good job, Moony. Five points to Gryffindor for knowing your shit." James pats him on the shoulder and starts to walk back out.
"You aren't giving my four year old a broom!"
"Correction: I am giving your four year old a broom. Kid's gotta learn how to fly. Better early than late."
"Don't you think this is a bit too early?"
"Nope. Never too early. I mean, Sirius got Harry a broom when he was one."
"A toy broom, James! He got Harry a toy broom! This is a real broom!"
"Don't worry your pretty little head, Moony. I'll teach the kid."
You try to sneak past them, but James spots you.
"Y/N! Come here."
You make your way over. "Yeah?"
"Don't you think every four year old needs their own broom?"
Your father gives you a warning look, shaking his head.
"Maybe not a four year old." You say.
"I'm betrayed! I've been betrayed!" Prongs yells, putting a hand to his heart and dropping to his knees, clasping his hands and looking up at the two of you. "For the love of Merlin, have mercy on a poor soul!"
Your father runs a hand over his face. "Prongs, what the fuck are you doing?"
"Dad." You laugh.
He shrugs.
"Moony! Y/N! How could you do this to me?" James is carrying on.
"For God's sake, James. Get up off the floor and shut it."
"I can feel my heart breaking! Can you hear it? Oh, my heart! My poor, wretched heart!"
"Fine! Give her the damn broom!" Moony agrees.
James practically jumps off the floor, dramatically kisses you both on the cheek, and basically skips out.
"Merlin." You and Remus say simultaneously.
"Hey, Dad? What's for dinner?"
"Depends. What are you cooking?" He grins.
"You should make salmon."
"Or the restaurant could make salmon. You ready to go? We've gotta get out of here before Prongs gets your sister killed."
"Well, I just have to get ready--"
"You look great right now, honey. Go get in the car."
"But Dad--"
"Nope. Either you go get in the car, or I'm strangling your uncle."
"But I thought only Uncle Paddy could strangle any of you."
"He doesn't have to know, does he?"
"He might find out."
"Not if we're careful." Remus laughs. "Go get shotgun before James--"
"Shotgun!" James yells from the living room. "I don't know where we're going but I call it!"
"Too late!" You shout back with a smile, running out to the car.


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