Tom Riddle x Reader (Part I)

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You sit on the Hogwarts express your fifth year. You're reading a book, all alone in a compartment when the door slides open.
"Oh, sorry." The boy standing in the doorway says. "Um... mind if I join?"
You shake your head. "I don't care what you do." You say, not too pleased at being interrupted.
He smiles, amused, and takes a seat across from you. "I'm Tom."
"I know." You look back to your book.

A few months later, the two of you are best friends.
"When I rule the world, you'll be a queen." He tells you as he helps you gather up the books someone had knocked from your hands.
You laugh. "Well, thank you. The Weird Sisters tickets too?"
"Your every wish will be my command, as it is now." He kisses your hand as you both stand up, and you can't resist smiling.


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