The Path of three flames

Start from the beginning

Lillian and Zuko had finally returned to Iroh and at their arrival Lillian noticed that Kasai was hissing at Iroh, "Lillian,  Zuko, remember that plant that I thought might be tea?" Iroh said slowly. Lillian's eyes widened as Zuko stood closer, "You didn't!" Zuko said horrified. Iroh turned to face the two fire benders to reveal his red, swollen face which he is scratching, " I did.And it wasn't." iroh said as he continued to scratched in all different positions, "EEP!" Lillian screeched as she stepped back, "When the rash spreads to my throat, I will stop breathing." Iroh stops scratching for a moment and held out a branch with red berries, "But look what I found! These are bacui berries, known to cure the poison of the white jade plant. That, or macahoni berries that cause blindness." Iroh said as he inspected the berries. Zuko stepped forward and snatched the berries out of Iroh's hands and tossed it to the side, "We're not taking any more chances with these plants! We need to get help." Zuko said impatiently. Lillian swatted Iroh's hands as he tried to scratch, "But where are we going to go? We're enemies of the Earth Kingdom, and fugitives from the Fire Nation." Iroh said as he tried not to scratch. Lillian straightened herself, "If the Earth Kingdom, discovers us, they'll have us killed." Zuko said as he held his chin, "But if the Fire Nation discovers us, we'll be turned over to Azula." Lillian said calmly. All three benders looked at each other before nodding, "I vote earth kingdom." Lillian said as she raised her hand. The trio climbed onto Kasai and made their way to the closest earth kingdom.

"You three must not be from around here. We know better than to touch the white jade, much less make it into tea and drink it." the young nurse said as she applied ointment to Iroh. Lillian smiled as Iroh sheepishly laughed at himself, "So where are you traveling from?" The nurse asked. Zuko suddenly straightened his body at her question, "Yes, we're travelers." Zuko said nervously. Lillian choked on her laugh as Zuko tried to give her a death glare, "Do you have names?" The nurse asked. Zuko hesitated at her question which allowed Lillian to speak, "My name is L-" "LOTUS! My uh- cousin" Zuko exclaimed, "And this is my Uncle Mushi and My name is Lee!" Zuko said in a rush. Both Lillian and Iroh gave Zuko an unhappy look before Iroh got a sly smile on his face, "Lotus is just our nickname for my daughter, her full name is Kohana and My nephew was named after his father so we just call him junior." Iroh said as he grinned at Zuko. Lillian held her hand over her mouth as she giggled at Zuko balling a fist at Iroh, "Mushi, Kohana and Junior, huh? My name is Song. You three look like you could use a good meal. Why don't you stay for dinner" Song offered hopefully, "Sorry, but we need to be moving on." Zuko said as he looked over at Lillian. Song shrugged her shoulder's, "That's too bad. My mom always makes too much roast duck." Song said gaining Iroh's attention, "Where do you live, exactly?" Iroh asked. Lillian smiled at Song and thanked her for the offer as Zuko just left the sick room.

Lillian, Iroh and Zuko all sat around the tabled at Song's home. Song's mother came to sit after placing down the food, "My daughter tells me you're refugees. We were once refugees ourselves." Song's mom said. Lillian nodded at the woman, "When I was a little girl, the Fire Nation raided our farming village. All the men were taken away. That was the last time I saw my father." Song said sadly. Lillian watched Zuko's face to be hurt at the thought, " I haven't seen my father in many years. " Zuko said as he looked at Lillian. Lillian gave Zuko a small smile, "Oh. Is he fighting in the war?" Song asked as she dished their plates, "yeah..." Zuko answered Softly. Once dinner was finished Lillian left to release Kasai so that he could go hunt in the nearby forest. When Lillian returned she found Zuko and Song sitting outside in the porch. Song lifted her dress revealing a fire bending scar. Lillian watch as Zuko's face fell with shock, 'Welcome to the real world Zuko' Lillian thought as she approached Zuko after Song went back inside, "You okay?" Lillian asked as she sat beside him, "Yeah." Zuko whispered. Lillian pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her chin on her knees, "You know... Our people have hurt so many people... Do you, do you ever think that were fighting for the wrong cause?" Lillian asked as she was deep in thought. Zuko didn't respond to Lillian's question until she took a deep breath and continued, "I love my nation... and I love the people but the rest of the world doesn't, so what are we fighting for?" Lillian asked, "enough Lilly..." Zuko said as he stood and returned inside leaving Lillian alone on the porch.

Lillian, Zuko and Iroh stood outside Song's house, "Thank you for the duck. It was excellent." Iroh said as he and Lillian bowed, "You're welcome.It brings me joy to see someone eat my cooking with such... gusto." Song's mother said as she handed Iroh some food for the road. Zuko began walking ahead of them, "Much practice.Junior, where are your manners? You need to thank these nice people." Zuko stopped and turned around and bowed at Song and her mother, "Thank you" Zuko said in a whisper, "I know you don't think there's any hope left in the world, but there is hope. The Avatar has returned!" song said quickly. Lillian looked over at her friend, "I know..." Zuko said as he continued to walk away. Lillian bowed once more before climbing onto Kasai waiting for Zuko and Iroh to follow. Once everyone was on Kasai jogged off into the moonlight, "So... Where to now?" Lillian asked as she tightened her hands around the reins, "Forward... We keep moving forward." Iroh said as he patted Zuko's shoulder, Lillian nodded at Iroh's statement. Lillian felt Zuko's grasp tighten around her waist, "We'll go home soon..." Lillian whispered as she placed her hand over Zuko's on her waist. 


Kohana means - Little flower.

 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

I love reading all your funny comments, guess I can't kill Lillian now? you seem to like her?

Vote and comment please!

Haha just kidding. She stays until the end.


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