Valentine's yea?

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*Love knows Love Grows*

Song of the chapter- Sabrina Carpenter=All we have is Love😍

So its actually Valentine's today and am so excited like what the heck and am not even receiving any gift from anybody, but I hope someone who has a crush on me better get me something.

That will be awesome, oh who am I kidding whether there's a gift there or not I couldn't care less.

So Valentine's what do I wear, I walk into my closet so I don't need something that spells out its Valentine but I want some spirit of Valentine in it, cool right? I know am totally an amazing girl with the best fashion sense.

I look through out the wardrobe looking for something that goes with the mood and prescription I've gat in mind, and then my eye lands on this dress I haven't even worn, I bought it and left it for a special occasion and I think this is the special occasion.

Its a check dress with red checks and its just above the kneel..... I already know the shoes for this omg am so excited.

Don't know why I feel like topping my look with a hat but I try it and I look chic din is gonna love this look on me I wear my brown timber heels and off to school I go

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Don't know why I feel like topping my look with a hat but I try it and I look chic din is gonna love this look on me I wear my brown timber heels and off to school I go.

On getting to school i observe dins not here yet and the whole place is bozzing about Valentine and lots of girls are dressed in reds to show how much spirit they gat for Val's day buh I can't try that I mean being too obvious ain't my thing .

I walk happily to my locker and open it to my surprise cards start falling out and so does roses but there's this card that catches my eyes its so different from others,

Its pink and not red like others, it has more words and less pictures unlike others that have less words and more pictures I take it out of my locker to get a better look and bend to pick up others that fell down.

Standing up I put other cards into my locker to take them out before I go home and took a good look at the other before deciding to show it to din and we could read the words together opening my back pack, as i am about to put the card in, din appears and I pause.

She fast walks my way and erupt me in a big and tight hug....but the hug ain't the type were you beg for air...


Happy Valentine's my cutie" din said with so much excitement as she looked me over taking in my appearance, she gave me a nod with a cheeky bright smile that made me more proud of my dress sense
"Happy Valentine's to you too baby " I said to her as she opened her locker and behold they were lots of cards in her locker just like mine with few roses, well you should know am not actually surprised that she got these many happens every year....I grinned as she took my hand in hers and led us towards the janitors closet.

"Okay so what are we doing in the janitors closet, or are you planning for us to spend it in here" I say with sarcasm in my voice. She just shakes her head at me and gives me an expectant smile, I look at her with the what's-wrong-with-your-face-look and she slaps my arm playfully

" I saw cards in your lockers and one looked special to me by the way you held it" so that's what she's talking about, well I might as well as show her now so that we could read it together.

"oh yeah that it's just this card, it's looks very different from the other ones, and I thought we could read it together "

"Okay so show..."but she is cut off by the bell and we both groan as we make our way to our first class.

It won't be all boring because on Valentine's the teachers hardly teach it's either they are thinking of their dates tonight or something I don't know.... Never been an adult before haha.....


"hey don't say that "
Din argues with a pout as we debate on which of us has a better hair and got more compliments on our dressing today, and me being a strong woman with words am really not letting din have the last say.

We are both snuggled up in the middle of my room watching TV and eating pop corn and other junk foods, do not forget the alcohol that's also necessary....i need to get a little wasted today haha...

School today was fun with most teachers handing out flowers and some cards and letting us read love quotes to each other cliche but cute I think.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" din shouts making me flinch and sending my head to the bunk of my bed..."ouch that hurts" I say as I rub the part where I hit my head
"sorry "

"yeah so why did you scream making me butt my head"

"I just remembered we never read that your special card"

"oh you mean the one that's different, okay let me just get it from my back pack" I stood up to get it and walked back to were din was "here it is"

"open open open!! " she squealed, what an excitement..
I bring out the card which has happy Valentine's Day printed on it and went further to open it.

'A word can bring smiles to a person just like a word can break them
A star can represent so many things to a person. Life is about so many things but what we have to do is not look at the past and regret but rather at the future and be glad that we can make better out of it. '

'Love is imprinted on every ones heart just takes real people to show it. '

'Live the past and hatred and focus on love and the future.

I sit there with din in utter shock this is not just a vals note but has a little bit of more info to it...
Who wrote this and how does he know deep things about me.


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