I have to tutor HIM?

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*Some people don't just go away, do they?*

Song of the chapter=Ariana Grande-why try


Please don't be him... Please don't be him.... Its not him...its just one of my brothers friend, I let out a breath I never knew I was holding in, drove into the parking lot. Din and Brown hopped out of the car, I just fell back on the drivers seat thinking of how to change every thing that could possibly happen...God please come to my aid please...


"Miss Janice" I heard my history teacher call...right now am in school and the bell just rang signalling the end of history class am making my way out before I heard her call,  have been pretty quite and hidden throughout the week to avoid any contact with Ryan, only thinking of him send shivers down my spine, or maybe I'm exaggerating, or even maybe his forgotten every thing that happened..nah that's not true he can't forget a thing like that no I don't think he has.

I spin around and walk to her table "yes ma?"

"There's a student I and your English teacher would love you to tutor since you are the best in my class and hers too, I will like you to do the job, I would have asked din but she's not as good as you in history just English and she doesn't look like she would tutor anyone" yeah right she's doesn't but I do right?...wish I was a little bit scary on the outside and not all goody girl..and who would I be tutoring anyway cause I really don't need a student who....

"You know it would help with your college application" and there she gat me, I really want to go to Standford, have been working off my ass lately to get my grades up...

"Well.."I drawled while clutching the hands of my bag pack which was swung on one of my arms  "I could help if its that important to you" I said kind of playfully and she smiled knowing she gat me with that college talk. "oh well then meet me on Friday so that you could meet him".

Him!? Him...its even a guy oh this just got hard....so this guy who could he possibly be...if I had a crush on someone  now I would wish it should be him but no 'Brec Janice' just has to be too busy with school that she forgot her love life.... Umm how did we get to my love life, I know, I can be easily distracted.

I thanked miss wren and ran out the class I had free period till the end of the day, so i gotta make good use of em, see why I loved Wednesdays.


"Thanks" I told the cashier and took my order, just went to Starbucks, I felt hunger pang me like I was a vampire in need of blood, so I rushed down for a takeaway, I had barely walked out the door when I bumped into someone making my phone fall out of my hands..... I have been looking at my phone checking for any calls or texts from din I left the school like an hour ago and we always went home together unless maybe she called Brown to pick her.

"Sorry, sorry am really sorry, I didn't mean t-t..." As I looked up, there before me stood no other than you know the name..

Ryan styles. Oh my God, oh my Goodness, oh my damn self.....what do I do, what do I do....I could hear my heartbeats and I hope he couldn't.
He just stood there with an evil smirk on his face..no, no, no, no, no, what's he gonna do....help somebody, anybody okay I give up...before I could do anything he picked me up and and placed me on his shoulder...I kept kicking and struggling but to no avail not even my martial arts skills  helped,  he placed me down and I took my time to regain my breath with my hands on my knees I looked around its like we were at the back of the Starbucks building only it was a few blocks away.

I stood up and with my adrenaline pumping I took a swipe with my legs which colluded with his stomach.....
He groaned in pain I didn't waste anytime, I turned on my heels and ran off . not looking back, luckily I found my way and ran to my car, got in and drove off like I was being chased.

Ryan styles is bad luck...I heard he killed someone once but I don't really believe and I don't want to know through my death, I heard his in a gang, don't wanna mess with such a person do we or do i ?.
Of course I don't and also that guy scars the fucking day light out of me.

I got home and walked into din and Brown talking well I can see she would be staying over a lot this time and to think she's the reason I bumped into Ryan and kicked his stomach...oh! I think am on his bad list now. I walked to my room after giving them a quick wave which they replied with a wave too...don't want to talk about what just happen maybe later.


So its Friday and am done with my second to the last class before the schools over..I go to meet miss wren guess she doesn't have a class till schools done for the day.

"Hy miss wren "

Hy miss Janice , how's your day "

"Fyn ma , so I came for the tutoring" I said with a smile

"Oh yes, he will soon be here just a minute" she replied with a smile showcasing her set of white teeth.

"Ah here he is", I smile and turn around but then my expression changes and my mouth falls agape....

"Him?" I said with all the shock in the world laced in my voice. And he just stood by there with a smirk on his face, its like nothing fazed this guy, I turn to see miss wren smiling brightly at me and Ryan.


"Ah...ah..you already agreed on this miss Janice"

"Can't I jus..."

"No miss Janice" she cut me off before I could complete my sentence.

"Okay miss wren" I said not so happy

"Thanks Brec, thanks for understanding"

Yeah right...she was going to make me tutor him, this guy I don't have a good history with wants to be taught history by me, how do we learn history with this bad history of ours, this is all a disaster.

I gave her a nod and glared at Ryan before I walked out of the classroom..

"Hey"I heard a coarse voice behind me and stopped on my tracks, I turned around to see a serious look on his face no smirk just a scary look that seemed like he could see through me to my soul, I took time to take in his appearance he was wearing a black shirt and black jacket black jeans, mehn does this guy love black, his eyes shone and I couldn't look away he cleared his throat and I averted my gaze from him to the floor.

"What time?" Was all he said and I couldn't seem to let out a word from my mouth, but I pulled my self together and answered as fast as I could.

"During lunch in the library"

"Pfft You don't expect me to go into the library do you?" He said, my fist curled into a ball and I clenched my jaw who does he think he is,

"Then you chose", I said through gritted teeth I know am so short tempered, and that's not good, but his such a jerk....

"My house 5 pm"

"Whatever, wait! what? am not coming to your house"

"Okay, your house?"

"No!, nah ah "

"You know what, the park down the street 5 pm, that okay with you?" he asked, that is a pretty good idea but I wasn't going to tell him that so I just agreed.

"Okay, " I said, and with that I walked off.

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