Having you back is the best

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*Sometimes we just need our loved one's to make us feel better*

Song of the chapter=kygo-carry me


"Ouch my head aches, how much did i drink" din said whilst rubbing her head and sat up.  She looked really bad... Her Hair were in knots, i dare not tell her that else she chops my head, she would get mad in a split of seconds and snap.... Her hair was like her greatest possession... You dare not mess with it.

"well at least you did not do anything stupid before I got you"

"Oh my goodness "

"what's the problem "

"Brown is coming back today" she literally screamed

"Hey keep it down would ya?"

Sorry it's just that " she went towards the mirror "my hair" she whisper screamed...I covered my mouth to keep my self from laughing.

"you can't be laughing at such a time Brec"

"Am sorry it's just that you look a mess"

"Thanks a lot Sherlock" she said untangling her hair with her hand's and looking at the mirror like her life depended on it.

You might be wondering why din is freaking out about this.... Well let me tell you a little tale.

You see din has the biggest crush on my older brother 'Brown' he doesn't really know that but I think he gets it, and she loves to look and be her best when ever his around, well who doesn't love to be all goody goody in front of their crush... And being din she takes it all the way...oh din oh din, my sweet little din.

You know they would stay together chating and stuff and what really got me was that she felt really calm about being around him,me in front of my crush is like becoming frozen ,just joking, I wouldn't freeze but would tangle my hair on my finger.. I think.

"Umm I've got to run...be back later" and with that she flew out the door.
Good I know were she's headed... The spar or no were else just the spar.


"Okay how do I look?" Din asked smoothening her hair and and brushing a hand over her dress which looked really nice, it was a yellow gown just above the knee and it swayed well, I must say she really put in a lot in her looks. "You look great din" I rolled my eyes and walked towards the car "shall we?"

"Oh! Yeah we shall" she came out of her trance and joined me in the car.

We were going to the airport to pick Brown, am so excited to see him its been a while. He really was the best brother one could ask for even when ah went to...

"Oh my God! There he is, pull over"

Am interrupted from my thoughts by din who spots brown, I pull over in front of the building and honk he looks our direction and smiled as soon as he saw us a man putting on a uniform help him carry his luggage, he put it in the boot and brown hopped into the car.

"Hey there my lovelies"

"Heey..." I and din both reply, I could see her from the corner of my eyes twirling her hair on her finger.

"If it isn't my one and only" brown flattered and I could see the heat as din's cheek turned red..she was blushing, hold it together babe come on . I simply rolled my eyes and started the car.

The ride wasn't silent at all as brown kept complimenting din and her cheeks got redder if that's even possible and din gushing about how she missed him and how they have to have a day to catch up on every thing, and Brown, he didn't even say no, am feeling like a third wheel now its like I don't exist.

"So...din, any boy troubling you in Colin's high?"

"Thought you guys forgot me" I said with a little annoyance in my voice.

They let out a gasp"We would never do that" the said together with their hands on their chest dramatically.

Din looked at Brown with a grin "jince" she said and hit him on the back...

"Brec you know what to do"

"Which is?" I asked my face straight on the road don't want anyone getting killed, and certainly not by me.

"You have to call my name bitch" his lucky his my brother else he would be receiving the part two of what I gave to the schools bad boy, oh no am dead his gonna get me back for it and am done for.

What do I do now? How do I face him on Monday? Should I skip school or maybe pretend to be sick...or I could change school..oh please that's my dumbest idea, what the fuck have I gotten my self into, am sorry em what's the name again?...

"Brec!!!" I think that's the third time his called my name

"Umm yes"

"You were suppose to say my name "

*Oh! Am sorry brown"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes why?"

"Because you just passed the house"
Shit...fuck how'd that even happen, I quickly make a turn while din and Brown looked at me like I've gone bonkers....

As we make our way back home I see a boy standing on our porch I keep my eyes in slit to take him in, he was clad in black jacket with black jeans too his hair ruffled as I could see from his back.

No you don't think it's Ryan the schools bad boy do you....please don't be him...please don't be him.... Oh no....its ...

Hy lovelies how'd you see this chapter I know its short but will update soon...
Don't forget to
Love you chaw

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