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"Damien slow down!" I yelled but he didn't bulge
He just kept going at a high speed
Scaring life out of me.
I'm surprised we've not been pulled over by the police With the speed in which his driving. Remind me never to allow a slightly drunk Damien drive me... Like ever again, even the fully drunk Damien, don't want to see how that goes either.

"Damien please slow down, I'm begging you " I scream this time, on the verge of crying, I'm scared
"please" a stray tear falls on my cheek
I turn to look at the road and am immediately blinded by a flashing head lights coming directly towards us.

I hear screams around me and it takes me quite a lot of seconds to Deciphy that as my voice.

My eyes snap to Damien and I See him battling with the steering trying to get out of the way, fear evident in his eyes all fully sober Now.

My eyes fall back on the road to see we are so close to the truck ahead of us and in a split second like its in slow motion Damien maneuvers the car towards the right side of the road almost escaping the truck.

Before we are hit with a killer force and our car goes tumbling.

I can feel my head hitting my Window glass and then the glass in front of the car, then the roof of the car and my window again which is now broken.

I can hear my self breathing rushed breaths and an over bearing pain sours through my whole body.
My head aches badly, I can feel liquid dripping down my head, which is obviously blood.

I can't feel my left leg and my right leg is in an awkward position with pains.

I look to my left to see Damien, I stretch my hands which has less pain to touch him.

He doesn't Bulge
I scream but it comes out as a whisper, I try to shake him out of his trance but no way.
He's squashed between his chair and the steering, blood all over his face.

I begin to sob before I know it, not knowing what to do, should I scream, or call someone or...

then I hear faint footsteps coming from out side the car.
I try to yell but it comes out as a whisper again , I swallow my saliva and try again.

"help us please" that doesn't sound like my voice but I don't think about that.

Then I see two large hands pull me out and for a minute am thankful that we are saved, till I look up and see who it is.

"Uncle James?...."
He has a sinister smirk on his face
"what are you doing here" I whisper

"you're coming with me" was all he said before he started pulling me towards a truck, a truck I now identify as the one that just tried to kill us. My breath hitched.

"Damien!, what about Damien?, we have to get him out of there!" I yelled and begged and cried.

"He's the problem of the police not mine, not when I have what I want"
'What I want'
The words kept ringing in my head as he dragged me after him.
I tried to protest but no way
His hands were held around my wrist so tight, dragging me with so much force. But I had to do something, I had to save my Damien,  I had to, I can't lose him,  I won't lose him.
And then a thought came,  I was sure there would be no way it would work, but I had to try.. So I did it
I stepped on his foot with the leg I was positive was not completely damaged.

Which happened to do a little bit of the trick and his hold on my wrist loosened, I took the time to slip my wrist out and run back to the car
Searching for my phone to call the police.

There it was on my seat, I grabbed it and dialed dads number, it was on speed dial

Before the second ring, I felt someone lift me up on their shoulder making my phone to fall out of my hand.

In hope that my Dad had picked the call I screamed
I screamed like I never had.

"Dad help! Uncle James! Kidnap! "
I manage to say all at once before I hit the ground with a thud and a stinging slap is followed. I yelp in fear. My head was throbbing bad pains soured through our my body I tried to lift my self to at least cower from him because I knew I couldn't run there was no leg for that, I was sure my legs couldn't carry my weight, I felt like I would pass out any moment, but don't get to dwell on those predicaments cos

The next thing he grabs my wrist and drags me through the grass to the truck as I try to resist.

"let me go !"
Let go off me!"
"Please! " I try to beg and yell

I wake up
Covered in sweat, pants for air escaping my mouth
The whole room is pitch black, I squint my eyes trying to make out any object in the dark but to no avail.
I closed my eyes taking deep breaths and opened them, suddenly I see a shadow walking towards me.. I felt my heart pounding and stretched my hand towards my bedside table in hopes that I'll switch on my lamp... And luckily my fingers found the button which I press hastily.

Immediately the room brightens up and I see there is no shadow or anybody there. 'must have been my peripheral vision'
With shaky legs I climb down from my bed and take my cell phone checking the time 2:46,
I make my way out of my room to the hallway leading to Brian's room I open the door softly peeking into the the room quietly so as not to wake him or alert him, Brian would freak out if he knew the dreams were coming back.
I don't want to go through everything I went through in the past.
It was so painful and traumatizing. I couldn't even help myself back then, and I hate feeling helpless. Which was why I decided and promised myself never to go through that again, and I wasn't going to break that promise.
I felt warm liquid on my face and noticed myself shaking, fear suddenly engulfs me, flashbacks from the past crowding my head one after the other.

'You little piece of sh*t
Your father ruined me
So I'll ruin his precious little princess'

He spat
His nails digging into the flesh of my neck,

Slap! Slap!
I felt my eyes rolling to the back of my head, as my face stung so bad

'No it can't be!'
'I want Damien, I need Damien please '

I push myself from the wall I'm Now leaning on wiping my tears, they always proved how weak and helpless I can be, making my way out of Brian's room,
I don't think I can go back to mine.
Ryan's room
That's my only option
Am too scared to be alone
It may bring back memories I don't want to remember.

Standing in front of Ryan's room, fidgeting , I hold the doorknob and twist, opening the door slightly and walking in, this might be bad on so many levels but there's no way I'm going to rot in my fear, walking to his bed I see him sleeping.
Heaving in air and breathing out slow and steady, I don't know if I should sleep on the bed with him or curl up on the floor by the bedside.

I follow my instincts and gently lay my self on the bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I feel my eyes shut and everything goes black.

Waking up the next morning, I sit up on Ryan's bed, trust me I can remember all that happened yesterday night, from the nightmare to finding out that Brian ain't home to the mini breakdown and finally coming into Ryan's room for fear of being lonely and breaking down the more.

I place my hands on my face rubbing my eyes as I feel my chest tighten in remembrance that I was in Ryan's room, turning to my right to find out Ryan is not there which I am thankful for, seeing him will just make things awkward, plus he still kinda scares me, I pull the cover off my body and step down from the bed, which by the way I'm guessing was draped on me by Ryan.

Grabbing my phone from the bed I check the time 7:29 I groan
I have less than thirty minutes to prepare for school. How lovely to start today.


I got 10reads on the other chapter so here's another update

Even though I know no ones reading this piece of sh*t
But Bestie might kill me if I delete it
So here you go.... y'all who are actually reading it.😘
Thanks it means a dozen to me😁
Comment your thoughts please
And this story is sooo clichè
Bye now

My Passion For The Bad Boy (Our Dirty Love)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu