World that's painted gold.

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“Wake up, god sake, Wake up.” I hear someone say, as my eye open to a place not much lighter than the back of my skull – which at this moment feels as though it is about to spontaneously combust. Bright lights shone behind my eyes, though from what I could see there wasn't a single source to be found. I rolled my eyes and groaned, causing that person holding my head to stir. “Stay with me now.” He speaks, as I come slowly into an awakened state. I am overwhelmed by a cold sensation and distinct lack of feeling in my lower limbs, it feels as tough ice has been poured over my back.

“What's happened?” I manage to croak out, with not as much as a single memory from before. Maybe this would be the time someone would panic – a man talking to you when you wake up, not knowing where you are, how you got there or what's happening – but I was so tried... also I recognised that voice, I just don't know how.

“I don't know. Did you take something?” They asked, tilting my head to the side as I threw up on the cool floor, so as to not choke on it. Whoever this person was they knew basic first aid, and had experience. I heard a sigh then a small whimper. “You... You have glass cut marks all over your wrists... do you – you know – want to explain?

Cut marks? No, that can't be right, I don't cut, and I haven't even felt physically self-destructive, right?

“I don't know where they're from.” I spoke, the thinking and act of forcing words through my lips was draining me, and the pain in my head grew more intense.

“Yeah, okay whatever.” they mumbled. “You know you're throwing up neat alcohol, right? So you wouldn't know anyway.” Alcohol? I don't drink any more after... oh, I only drink when I'm on a low...

“Oh shit. I... I fucking up again.” I murmured to myself but out loud. The person just grunted an agreement. God damn, I knew his voice! Why won't my mind clear up?

Once the sickness in my churning stomach had settled again I leant my head back on my shoulders, peeling my eye lids open properly. “You're coming with me, Melissa.” he spoke as I felt my body being lifted from the ground limply. Again I should be fearful, but I was so at peace and giddy I was unable to. As my arm fell from my side I lightly felt something slip out of my pocket, and listened as it clattered noisily to the ground.

“Oh my god, please – please tell me you didn't!” He demanded. My heavy eyes looked up to the shadowed person in front of me in pure confusion.

“Do... Do what?” I managed to croak. My chest was feeling tight now.

“The pills! The pills you just dropped, please tell me.” Pills?


“The sleeping ones on the floor. Never mind this.” He shouted, lowering me to the floor again. I felt sickness winding up in me, and my eyes rolling back as he called for an ambulance. I didn't take them did I? Then again, I must have cut too... What have I done?

I felt myself being pulled into a restless unconsciousness as I heard his final words: 'Was it because I love you?'

Lights flooded through my paper-thin eyelids and within seconds I was roused, feeling much better than before, though my stomach felt like a ton of rocks had been placed in it. Calmly, I looked around my unfamiliar surroundings. The air was crisp, and warm but tinged with antiseptic and pain. The brightly illuminated room, upon second glance, was white washed, and sparsely furnished, with only a grey metal bed and a night stand. A small throbbing ache in my hand turned out to be a cannula, hooked up to a drip that slowly pumped a clear saline mixture into my blood. My head span as I turned it but as I glanced to the left I saw the tatty-haired form of the sleepy Ben.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now