Fly, Amy, Fly!

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“So, Mel, how are we killing the time?” Oli asked, typing away on his phone. Once again his shield was up, any sign of emotion was cast behind his glassed over eyes. To most people he looked fine, to me though he was deeply broken, and I worried whether all the pieces would ever come together finally, making the full Oliver her should be.

“You got your music on you, right? Well there's a docking station up here, so chill?” I asked, slightly bored but quite content to just sit down. Within a few moments music began to pipe through the stereo as I began to sing the clean vocals.
“Shit, you're amazing, and you sing. Have you heard yourself.”
“I live on a bus with Ben and Danny, I learned a little bit of singing but I'm talking to one of the biggest singers of the year in our genre right now.” I laughed the compliment away. I knew he was just trying to comfort me anyway.
“Well I don't know about that.”
“Dude, Sempiternal, that's a mega album!” I squealed over the pounding beats. He smiled genuinely, though it still didn't quite reach his eyes. I wonder what has to happen to someone to leave them as broken as Oli. The only thing that holds his life in the balance is a beautiful tattoo artist and her tolerance.

His smile faltered as he looked back to his phone for the 10th time since Cam disappeared.
“You really love her, don't you.” I asked, probing. Partly to kill the silence, partly to understand him a little more.
“I love her with all my heart. I was a terrible state before I met her. I appalled even myself. She saved me, and I owe her everything I have.” his eyes flicked up to mine, a spark of joy igniting inside.
“You're a solid unit then.” I agreed.
“She saved me, like I said. And she says I saved her too, created a world she never knew existed, granted her entry to a life she so desperately needed. I don't understand how but she says it's true. We're each other's saviours. She's the one, I just know it.” For once a true smile beamed over his face.
“Ben and I were like that, even before we were together. We were an unbreakable team, no one got in the way. You two won't end up like us, you're far too faithful” I spoke my thoughts aloud. We both shrugged and began to sing with the music, changing the atmosphere into a friendly party almost.

“Did you really mean it? That you can't sleep and all.. because... well you know.” I stumbled foolishly after 5 songs.
“Yeah,” He exhaled tiredly. “I couldn't sleep for the next 2 days, Hannah kept asking me how I was, but I was scared to say anything. She took the day off work and lay me in the bed whilst she made lunch. Next thing I remember is her shaking me awake, panic on her face. She said I'd screamed in my sleep and kept crying 'I'm so sorry, I tried.' over and over. I keep having nightmares so I am too scared to sleep. I just think of all those times I called him a mate. You know, I haven't even kissed Hannah since.”
“Oh, Oliver, I am so sorry about that, I wish I could help. Why haven't you though, can I ask?”
“I know it's stupid but now she knows about Jordan I am scared she will think I'm like him. I love her so much, I can't hurt her.”
“You won't hurt her, she loves you too, remember that.”
“I want to propose to her this year, for Christmas, make her mine, promise I will stay with her no matter what.” He smiled again, life pouring off him as he smiled from ear to ear. The conversation dropped, but it was okay. He sat on the stool texting who I guessed was Hannah, and I lay back in my sofa singing away calmly, letting my mind numb to several things that had happened recently.

The music swayed me as the soft rhythm of melodic acoustics eased the tension in my body. Beautiful tunes moved me as I ventured deeper into my dreamlike-state. Where I lay in my room, listening to music, the gang over, partying and no romantic emotions were involved. Where I could walk out looking like crap and still be loved as the little sister. I would get drunk and kiss any of them, and no one would care. Back when I could fall asleep in Ben's arms and know he'd be there in the morning. Ben was my haven away from my home problems, away from Dom, away from my trouble in school. But now Ben was my problem, and I no longer had a safe haven.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now