She brought this on herself

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Once we had flopped down together, hastily, into his darkened bunk, everything became heated. Our movements synchronised and breath catching. We may have been drunken but right then, in the blissful, but charged moment, everything felt perfect. We fell asleep about an hour later, relaxed and happy. We hadn't even noticed the other boys crashing onto the bus, with their fellow fucks, too tired to even care.

But that was last night...

My skull screamed in pain, snatching me from my dream. I rolled over from my back, wrapping the quilt around me, almost cocooning myself. Longing for the dreams to return.

“Hey, I need the covers too, babe.” A voice murmured dazedly beside me. Sighing, I roll back, freeing the covers and nuzzling my head into his shoulder. My eyes bursting behind my eyelids. Jesus, the effect alcohol has! Their arm slipped behind my pack, supporting me, protecting me.

“Ben, have you got any painkillers?” I asked, trying to prevent the urge to throw up.

“Ben?” The disappointed voice replied.

I slowly lift my eyelids the smallest amounts to limit the chances of blinding by the light. Instead it bore tortuously into my mind, searing pain flowing through me. But in the few seconds I looked I saw it wasn't Ben I was lying with at all. Although it was a band member, it wasn't my band member. It was James.

I back up from him. Noticing then I wasn't wearing anything either. Shit just how bad is my hangover?

“Melissa, are you okay?” He worried, he tried to touch me again, reaching his hand to my shoulder.

“I'm going to be killed.” I knew I was confused with my feelings, but to actually cheat on Ben. That's not me, not what I'd do.

“Melissa... do you not remember?” He whispered, as if to not wake up the others.

“Remember what, James?”

“You broke off the engagement yesterday, because there were big problems?” Those simple words dug in to me, ripping my heart away slightly. But all the memories poured back, flooding me, drowning me. “You got drunk, we all did, and we ended up here.” I shook my head, I knew what happened, it wasn't as if I was angry it happened, I was just dealing with the memories first.

A white pulse shot through me, the hangover clearly getting the worse of me. I must have shaken a little, as his arm reached out to settle me. “Lie back down, please, you need to rest.” I nodded and followed his instructions, pushing my head back down onto his shoulder. I pinched my eyes shut and slowed my breathing, hoping to ease my head but nothing helped. Though the silence of the bus wasn't doing any harm.

“You really are beautiful.” He whispered, stroking his hands through my hair.

“You've said, but you are amazing, remember that.”

I could practically feel him ease up next to me, which made me relax to. “You know, I really do love you, so I'm sorry about last night.”

“I... I'm confused with the way I feel, but don't be sorry.” I paused, looking around. “Listen, I may not be with Ben any more, but I don't think it's wise to be found lying together, I don't want to cause an argument or anything. I'm going to get some food.”

“Can't you just wait a little while longer?” His eyes glazed with sadness, or longing.

“What is someone wakes up? See you in a bit.” I edged away from him. The air away from his body heat was laced with ice, stinging at my bare flesh. Pulling on my clothes from last night, I pushed my hair from my face. My lips met James' for only a second before I dropped out of the bunk, and attempted to stroll casually, though my lack of balance disrupted it. Making me look a little more like a bad tightrope walker.

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now