With eyes closed her heart breaks

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We were now in the dressing room. Ben sat opposite me, red, puffy eyes staring down at the floor. A feeling swelled up in my stomach, making me sick. Somehow though he was smiling too, which confused me, causing my head to spin. Butterflies fluttered around, choking my throat, every time I looked over to Ben. I guess I really did love him. Part of me regretted earlier, but I knew it was the right thing to do when it came down to it.

The room was warm, sickly warm, and very humid. A slight smell of sweat stung my nose, but luckily I was getting used to it. My eyes on other hand watered constantly due to the excessive use of Lynx in this room. I had to admit, male deodorants are powerful things.

3 fake leather sofas which had seen better days lined the walls. Leaving a mirror and empty space hanging by the door way. The boys made themselves at home, by spreading out and kicking back. Cigarette ash already littered the floor, along with some pens and bottle caps. No one drank before the show but Danny had just emptied the pockets of his seldom washed jeans

Feeling very awkward, I pulled my phone out and loaded up 'Draw Something'. Which managed to flicker a smile on my face, remembering how Ben found it impossible to play. Awh, the difficulties of having fat fingers. I was winning by miles before the manager ran in screaming his head off.

“20 minutes until you're on boys!” He yelled violently. He scared everyone, let alone me, since I had just jumped and threw my phone aggressively at floor. All the boys turned to stare at me...

“Urm.. excuse me.” I coughed as I leaned down to retrieve it.

For the remaining 20 minutes the boys laughed at joked, James slowly easing his arm behind my shoulders before Cam gave him a warning look as if to say: Look, bud, you're pushing your luck. Yes Ben is messing around, but give him time.

Ben sat constantly on his phone, which was now on loud and chirping away every few minutes. Who ever he was talking to liked talking to him, and we could all guess who. Everyone could feel the tension in the air. Everyone knew about the split, and about what Ben had been doing, just no one wanted to talk about it or even acknowledge it even happened. Sitting comfortably, with my head on Danny's shoulder, feet on James legs I actually took a small nap. Which I must have needed because I didn't even wake when the boys left. Not initially.

A door slammed pulling me out of my sleep. Opening my eyes far too quickly I looked up to see James.

“Urh hey, aren't you all like on now?”

“We got 5 minutes, they're all warming up by the stage, I just wanted to check on you.”

“Don't miss it okay, you're pretty vital. And well I'm okay, you can leave.”

“No, I don't want to quite yet... God has anyone told you how beautiful you are?”

I sat there in complete silence. I didn't know what to say, but I don't really think he wanted an answer anyway. “Okay, I need to say I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Ben earlier, I didn't think you'd believe me, I mean Ben was making it out like I was trying to steal you. Yes I fucking love you, but no, I'm not that kind of guy.”

“James, it is okay, I know you aren't. I wouldn't ever like a guy like that.”

“But also about.. wait, what?”

“Oh, nothing, carry on?”

“Urrh... about earlier today, sorry I was so forward, I didn't mean to be, but I was selfish, I couldn't wait any longer to take what I wanted. I'm an idiot.”

“Hey, it's fine I was shocked, that's all. Meh, I like Ben, but I need to get over him somehow. Anyhows, you're on in 2 minutes, so come here, rockstar.” He moved over to me quickly a little curious. I pulled at him to lean down to me, before I reached up and held him tight in my arms. “Go kill it, rocker”

A Single Moment Of Sincerity [SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now