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Previously on, Slexie - The Next Generation

"Ready to have our little boy?" Mark asks me.

"Yes" I say, smiling. 


Lexie's POV

"Why did I do this again?" I ask, as pain shoots up my body. 

"Lex, you are almost there, you are dilated to 9." Dr. Gretti says. 

"Lex, squeeze my hand whenever you need it." Mark says. 

"I don't want to hurt your hand!" I grunt. 

"You won't, it will be fine" he says, putting my hand into his.

About 30 seconds after the most recent contraction, another one come on, stronger. I squeeze Mark's hand as hard as I can. 

"Lexie, after this contraction, I need you to push, okay?" she says. 

I nod my head and we wait for the next contraction to start. About 15 seconds later, I feel it creeping back up on me. 

"Okay, on 3 you push as hard as you can!" she commands. 

I nod my head, as the pain comes back, full blown. 



"three!" she yells.

I push as hard as I can, and squeeze Mark's hand too. 

"The head is almost out, keep pushing!" she yells. 

I push harder, and seconds later I feel a huge pressure down there, and then crying fills the room. I look over to Mark, and I see him crying.

 "Mark, if you would like you can come and cut the umbilical cord." she says.

I release Mark's hand, and he cuts the cord. The nurses take him away quickly, and wash him up and weigh him. A couple minutes later, they are finished, and I can finally hold him.

"Dr. Grey, Dr. Sloan, here is your little boy" Dr. Gretti says, smiling at us. 

I start laughing at crying at the same time.

"We did it." Mark says, bring our little boy towards me.

I smile at him, and take our son from him.

"Carter." I say.

"This is our son." I look up to Mark.

"I love you so much Lexie." he says. 

"I love you too!" I say.

I hand our baby back to the doctors so they can take him to run all the tests.

"I am proud of you." Mark says, his hand weaving in and out of my hair. 

"I couldn't have done any of this without you. I love you so much, and I cannot wait to finish out our lives together. I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else besides you." I say, tearing up.

He doesn't say anything, but just kisses me. I know right now that all we need to do is get married, and we will be complete. After waiting for about an hour Carter finally comes back into the room with us. 

"He is in perfect health." Dr. Gretti says, handing him to me.
I look him in the eyes and see they are Mark's. 

"He has your eyes." I say.

"He does, doesn't he." Mark says.

I smile at our creation, then I think of something, well someone.

"Piper, she needs to meet her little brother." I say, looking at Mark.

"We kinda figured that." Meredith says, coming in with Derek and Piper.

"Ma!" I hear Piper yell.

"Piper" I say back to her, as she reaches out to me.

Mark takes Carter away from me, as I get handed Piper. She looks at me and smiles, playing with my hair. Mark brings the baby towards her, and she looks at him strangely.

"nonono" she says, trying to get down. 

"Hey, hey." I say, calming her down.

"It's your baby brother." I say, trying to get her to calm down.

She looks at me weirdly, but then looks down towards Carter. She keeps looking back and forth between Mark, Carter, and I. 

"Da" she says, reaching towards Mark.

I laugh, and me and Mark do a child swap. He starts talking to Piper, and Meredith comes to me.

"How was it?" she asks me, taking Carter from me. 

"Well it was child birth." I say, laughing.

"I understand." she says, laughing too. 

Her and Derek coo over Carter for a couple more minutes, before returning him back to me.

"Well we better get back to working" she says.

"Okay, see you later" I say.

They walk out and wave goodbye. I look over to Mark and see him playing with Piper. She laughs at him as he cracks at his jokes, and tickles her. 

And at that moment, I knew everything was going to be okay. All that needed to be done now was the wedding.



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