Chapter 8

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Previously on Slexie - What If?

"Okay, see ya later!" she says, practically skipping. "Well, that was wonderful." I said. "She's great once you get to know her."

And with that we went to her appointment.


Lexie's POV


"Thats my pager." Mark said looking disappointed. I was too, I was hoping he could be here for this. "It's fine, go." I say putting on a fake smile. "Are you sure?" He asks looking at me. 
"Yes." I said. 

"Okay, love you and page me when you are done," he said, and kissed me. I waited for about 20 minutes, until Callie came in. "Sorry I was late, surgery was a little longer then expected." she said, flipping around papers. 

"its fine," I say starting at the ceiling. "Where'd Mark go?" she asks looking around the room. Uhm, well he got paged, so I don't know if he will make it." I said. "Oh, well then we shall go on without him." she said, as she started measuring my legs.

"Okay, let me go get the proper measurements, and then we can see how it feels." She says, going into a supply closet in the room. "Aha!" she says, and grabs a prosthetic. "it might be a little big right now, but we can order one that fits better." She says starting to slip it on my leg.

"Okay you think you can try it today, or should we try later?" she asks, looking at me. "I would like to try and walk, if thats okay." I say, looking up at her. "Of course!" she says, and starts helping me up from the wheelchair. 

"Ready?" she asks, looking at me. "Ready as I will ever be," I try to say cheery. "Okay, lets go over to these bars," she says, and starts guiding me to them. "Okay." I said, gripping the bars. "What if I fall?" I ask, while looking up at her. 

"Then we shall try again." She says, smiling. "Okay, 1." I say and take on step in front of me. Just then the door slams open. "Lex!" I hear Mark say. "Mark! You made it!" I say, and with that I loose my balance, and land on the floor. 

"Lex!" Mark yells, and then runs over to me, and picks me back up. "I am fine, I just fell." I say blushing at the fact he cared so much. "You sure you are fine?" he asks, as I start grabbing both of the bars. 

"I am now." I say, and then he leans in and kisses me. 

424 words

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