Chapter 27

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Previously on, Slexie - What If?

"Ready?" I ask her. "Yep" she responds, before she gets out the door, I steal a kiss from her. "Love you, and our family." I say, and then we walk to the elevator. 


Lexie's POV

We got to the hospital, and Mark parked in the spot that was reserved for the Chief Of Plastics. He parked the car, and then took the key out of the ignition. I got out of the car, and opened the back door to get Piper's diaper bag. 

"You got her?" I ask him, as he opens the door on her side. "Yes." he says, and gets her carseat out of the back. Just as we are about to start walking in, Callie pulls into her parking spot. "Hey guys!" she says, getting out of the car, and grabbing Sofia. 

"Hey Callie." I say, walking over to her. "Hey Arizona" I say, as Arizona gets out of the passenger side. "Good morning you two!" she says, walking over to Callie. "How's my other girl doing?" Mark says, walking over to Sofia. 

"Daddy!" Sofia yells. He puts down Piper's car seat, and takes Sofia from Callie. Arizona and Callie then walk over to Piper, who is now up. "Look who it is!" Callie says in her baby voice. I can't help but smile. 

"You ready for your first day of work?" Callie says, now looking at me. "Yeah, I think I am." I say, picking up Piper. "I have to go so I am not late for rounds." I say, walking inside. Mark, is still playing with Sofia. 

All of us walk to daycare, and right before we get there, I get Piper out of her car seat. I look at her, and then I wonder if I am ready to leave her yet. "Lex?" Mark says, looking at me. "Do you think I am a bad mom, I mean she barely survived, and now we are leaving her in daycare." I  say, looking up at him.

"Lex, your a great mother, and we can come visit her whenever we want!" he says, handing Sofia to Callie. "Lexie, I know what your going through. Me and Arizona wondered the same thing with Sofia, but it is okay." Callie says. 

"Okay?" Mark says, looking at me. "Okay," I say, walking into the daycare center. Meredith and Derek where there dropping off Zola and Ellis. "Look who it is!" I say, looking at my nieces. Meredith comes over to me, and takes Piper. "How is my niece?" she asks, looking at Piper. 

"Good!" I say, walking over to Meredith's kids. "How is Zozo and Ellis this morning?" I ask, tickling Zola. "Aun-ntie LEXIE!" Zola says, laughing out. "Love you guys!" I say, kissing both of their foreheads, causing Ellis to laugh. "She is laughing now?" I say, looking at Meredith and Derek.

"Yup," Derek said, looking over at his daughters. "Okay, we need to get to work" Meredith says, handing me Piper, and then kissing her on the forehead. "Yes." Callie says, then signs Sofia into the Daycare Center. Mark goes and signs in Piper. "Okay, ready Lex?" he says. "Yeah." I say, kissing my daughter. "Love you Piper." I say, before handing her off to Mark.

Mark takes her, and kissed her on the forehead, and tells her he loves her, and gives her to the daycare worker. "Okay," he says, taking my hand, as we leave the Daycare Center. "We will come here during lunch." I say, kissing him on the cheek, and going over to the Neuro Department. 

"Ready for your first day back Lex?" Derek asks me. "Yes." I say, as we start walking towards the nurse's station. He picks up a chart, and starts walking up to their room. We walk into the room, and their is a man, who looks like he is in his early 30's. "Dr. Grey, please present." he says, handing me the chart.

"Nate Tryuin, 32 years old, has tumor in the frontal lobe, it is malignant." I read off. "Yes, and big fancy Dr. Shepard here is gonna take the tumor out." he says, looking at Derek. "I said TRY. This tumor is in a very difficult place." Derek says. "Dr. Grey, do Pre - OP notes, and get him prepped for the OR." Derek says, leaving the room. 

"I haven't seen you around, you new here?" Nate asks. "Long story." I say, smiling. "Well I am pretty sure you can tell me." he says, smirking. "Well, I was in a plane crash with some other doctors, and then I was a patient for a while. Then me and my boyfriend, who was also on the plane, got pregnant. Then I had a baby, and now I am back at work." I say, not going into the specifics. 

"Woah, that is a lot of stuff." he says, looking at me. "Yes." I say, as a older looking women comes into the room. "Hello, you must by Natie's doctor." the lady says. "Yes, I am Dr. Grey." I say, looking at the lady. "I am Nate's mother, Natalie Tryuin." she says, holding her hand out. I shake her hand, and go back to doing Pre - OP things. 

"How long with this surgery take, do you think." she asks me, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. "Uh, well it depends on how bad the tumor is." I say, taking the taking his blood. "How long does it usually take?" she asks me. "Like I said, it depends on how large the tumor, or advanced it is." I say. "Oh, okay thank you." she says, picking up her phone. 

"If you have any other questions before the surgery, just have a nurse page me." I say, and take out the supplies out of the room. "He ready?" Derek asks, coming up next to me. "Yes, just took his blood, he is good to go." I say, finishing up some extra things on the chart. 

"Okay, meet me in OR 2, in about 25 minutes." he says, walking away. "Wait, I am scrubbing in?" I ask. "Yeah, why else would you be doing Pre-OP." he responds, walking away. "Okay." I say, smiling to myself. Before the surgery, I decide to go see my daughter. 

"Hi Dr. Grey!" the daycare worker greets me. "Hey Karien!" I say, walking into the center. I see Piper in the crib, sleeping. "How long has she been sleeping?" I ask. "Uhm, ever since you guys dropped her off, I would say." she responds. 

"Okay, well she is due for a bottle so, can I wake her up then?" I ask. "Of course! She is your child anyway!" She says, in a cheery voice. I walk over to my daughter, and pick her up. She flutters her eyes, and then opens them. She looks at who is holding her.

"Hey Princess." I say, cuddling with her. "How are you doing!" I say, in a baby voice. I hand her to the daycare worker. "I should get going, see you later." I say, walking out of the daycare center. I go down to the OR floor, and walk into the Scrub Room for OR 2. I see Derek scrubbing in.

"Hello Dr. Grey." he says, scrubbing his hands. "Hello Dr. Shepard." I say, scrubbing in. I grab a mask, and tie it over my head. "See you in there." he says, and walks into the OR. I finish scrubbing in, and I walk into the OR. "Okay everyone, its a beautiful day to save lives!" Derek says, then grabbing the scalpel. 

I walk over to him, as he is cutting open the skull. "Dr. Grey, could you remove the skull cap?" he asks me. "Of course." I say, the nurse handing me the scalpel. He cuts the skull cap, and I take it off. "Great job, Dr. Grey." He says, then continues working. 

"Crap." he says. We are half way through the surgery. "What is it?" I say, looking into the brain. "The cancer has spread, its too far along." he says, sadness filling his voice. "I am so sorry Dr. Shepard." I say. "It's no ones fault." he says.

"Time to close up." he says. "That's it?" I ask, looking at him. "If I take it out, he could have permanent brain damage, so yes." he says, closing. "Is it okay if I scrub out?" I ask him. "Of course." he says. I go to the scrub room, and take off the surgical equipment. 

It always happens to the good ones, I think to myself. 


Hey guys! If you saw my last authors note, you saw that we hit 1k reads! I AM SO HAPPY. Thank you all!

By the way, in this story, Meredith and Derek had Ellis before Bailey. I was kinda thinking of doing a spin off of this story, of Piper and Ellis, so thats why I have her come first. I am not going to end this story, but if you'd like to see a spinoff, I would surely write one! Let me know if you would like to see one! 

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