Chapter 50

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Previously on, Slexie - What If? 

I just want to hop of the bed, and go and comfort him, but I hardly have any life in me. I feel like I am slowly drifting away.

"I love you" is the last thing I remember saying before being consumed by the darkness.


Mark's POV

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Lexie Grey." the preach says. 'What life, she was so young' I think to myself. "You shall remember her for the good things, none of the bad. How she lit up your world, and made it better" he continues on. 

'She lit up my world, every time she walked in to the same room as me' I think again. "Anyone like to speak?" he asks. Meredith slowly walks up to the preacher to say a couple words.

"Lexie Grey could make anyone smile, even if you where feeling down. She survived the worst, put still held her head up. Her little girl looks like her more and more everyday. She was a great sister, even though at the beginning I didn't really like her. She was the best person anyone could have asked for. But she wasn't good enough for Mark, now was she Mark. Her last couple of days where a living HELL because of you. Calling off the engagment, then taking her own baby away from her. Your crazy ex-girlfriend came and DROVE her down. So thanks to you, she is dead." she finishes up.

'It is my fault'

"IT IS MY FAULT!" I scream.

I wake up with a jerk, and feel someones hand wrap around me. "Your okay, we are both fine" she whispers in my ear. "Please don't leave me" I whisper. 

"You couldn't get rid of me even if you tried" she whispers back. "I love you Lexie, and I love this baby" I say, putting my hands on her now 5 month belly. The baby had somehow survived that day, and we both are forever grateful for that.

"Was it the same dream?" she asks me. "yes" I respond. I have been having that dream, or nightmare you could say, ever since that day. She was in a coma for about 2 weeks, and she woke up. I had never left her side for the duration of that 2 weeks.

"Since your up, you want to plan some stuff for the wedding?" She asks. "Yeah, that'd be good." I respond back. She gets up, and she looks beautiful in the moonlight. Her hair looks so silky, like a dream. You can tell she is carrying a child now. We found out a few days ago, we are having a little boy.

Piper has grown up so fast, her first birthday is coming up in the following weeks. I love my family so much. Every so often I will think about everything.

'What If the plane crash never happened, what if Julia had never hurt Lexie and Piper, what if she had never thrown Lexie in the water. What if she never forgave me?

There are so many what ifs in life, but I am not going to worry about them. I am  going to live life to the fullest, with Lexie, Piper, and our little boy.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for our little family. 

What If. What If. What If. 





OMG! ITS DONE! I AM CRYING! I want to thank everyone who helped me get to where I am now, and I hope you enjoyed the book! I know I really did! 

Little Preview - 

"How did we get here?" I ask Ellis. "I don't know, but its pretty damn cool" she says. We stand outside of Seattle Grace Mercy West. Today is our first day as residents. We both did our internship at another hospital, but they stopped doing the program when we got into our resident years. 

"Our parents did there internship, residency, and are attendings here." Ellis says.

"No pressure then" I say. We both start laughing. "I guess we could call ourselves the next generation" She says. 

"I mean, yeah" I say smiling.

"ready?" she asks. "Yes." I say. We link arms together and start our journey, of being the 'Next Generation'.

Slexie - The Next Generation

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