Chapter 7

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Previously on, Slexie - What If?

I don't think I could even put into words how much I love him, C. I haven't felt like this ever, it's new and there were some bumps in the road. But with everything that has happened, we just knew. We came back together, we are meant to be"

She just smiles at me, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

Mark's POV

"Chief!" I yell across the skywalk of Seattle Grace.

"What's up Sloan, how are you feeling?" Owen asks, looking up from his charts.

"I was just wondering when I can go back to work." I asked. "Well, you need to go get cleared for surgery, then you can." he says. "But Mark, I want you to know that there is no rush for you coming back to work. What you all went through, well it was traumatic. If you need some time take it'.

I look at him, trying to figure out what to say next. "I know, but I feel useless right now. I sit with Lexie, and don't get me wrong there is nowhere I would rather be, but I would also love to see the inside of an OR without being the one that's on the table".

He just nods at me, and I turn around, heading back to Lexie's room. I ponder, thinking about what my next move is going to be. I love being with Lexie there is nowhere I would rather be, but at the same time I just need to get back in the swing of things. I feel like going back to work would be good for me, get my head back into the game and start worrying about the future more than what happened. I do not want to be defined by this moment.

I walked into the room, and there was Lexie, and this younger looking girl, maybe a couple years younger than Lexie, standing by her.

"Hello?" I say raising my brow.

"Mark! Casey, this is Mark Sloan. Mark, this is Casey Buit. We went to med school together, and she is coming to intern here!" Lexie says, I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you then, Casey." I say holding my hand out.

"Pleasures all mine." she says, taking my hand and shaking it. "This is the guy you are always talking about, Lex?" she asks, looking back over at Lexie.

"Mhm." she says proudly.

"Lex, what time is your appointment?" I ask, looking down at her chart. "12:45." she responds.

"Would you like Casey to take you, or me?" I ask, looking at her.

"Of course, I want you, Casey. I hope you don't mind." Lexie states.

"No, of course not, go do what you gotta do!" Casey says, and starts grabbing her things.

"Any who, I saw a little Italian restaurant on the way outside, I think I might go there, and check it out." she said. "Well, you won't be disappointed, it's great!" I say.

"Yes, please pick me up some of the little raviolis with the white sauce, oh my god, that sounds so good, I will give you some money later," Lexie says. "Of course Lex, but don't worry about paying me back, this one's on me." Casey responds.

"Okay, see ya later!" she says, practically skipping.

"Well, that was wonderful." I said.

"She's great once you get to know her." Lexie says, smiling at me.

And with that we went to her appointment, not knowing what was going to be said, but we both just hoped that it would finally be some good news. 

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