Chapter 20

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Previously on, Slexie - What If?

"I am going to the chief, and telling him I want some time off, so I can be with you." Mark says. "You don't need to do that." I say, looking up at him. "Lex, I am going to be there for you." he says, helping me back into the wheelchair. 

"Okay?" he asks. "Okay." I respond.


Lexie's POV

Its been a week, since my last dizzy spell, and my appointment. I am about five months along now, and the morning sickness is starting to stop. 

I go outside to greet Casey, but the elevator is down, so I have to take the stairs. When I get to the entrance, she is down there waiting for me. "I was wondering how long it was going to take ya" she says, hugging me. "How's the internship going so far?" I ask, walking up the stairs. 

"Eh, I mean you know, lots of charting." she responds. "Oh yeah, I remember that, but then I also remember scrubbing in on my first real surgery." I say, remembering all the good memories I had in my intern year. 

"Yeah, but I hear your going to be a third year resident now." She says, elbowing me. "Mhm, I am." I say, smiling, and opening the door. "Okay, so Mark isn't home, so that means we can watch another movie." she says, examining around the house. 

"Yeah, he is gonna be home in about an hour or so." I say. "Okay, well we can watching a .. Bypass surgery?" she asks, picking up the tape. "Sure, why not." I say. She pops in the movie, and we both sit down, and start eating the popcorn. 

About an hour and half later, Mark comes walking in the door. "Hey Mark." Casey responds, keeping her eyes glued onto the screen. "Lexie, do you have to tell me something?" He says, I can hear the anger in his voice. 

"Uhm, I think I am gonna go." Casey says, grabbing her stuff and leaving before I can say anything. "What are you talking about?" I ask, getting up and looking at him. "I mean you are going back to work." he says, looking at me. "Yeah, and your going to work." I say, getting angry. 

"I am not pregnant and just got into a plane crash!" He fights back. "Well, I am going to work, I can't be cooped up in this apartment all the time." I say, hissing back. "You aren't going to work, you could get hurt!" He yells at me. "Mark! I am big enough to know what I am doing!" I screech back at him. 

"Get out." he says, pointing to the door. "What?" I ask, looking at him. "I said get out of my house." I look at him, and then I go and grab my purse. "Whatever," I say, and I walk out of the apartment, and then he slams the door behind me. 

I break down at that point, I take my phone, and I call Casey. 

L: "Hey, can you come pick me up." I say sniveling. 

C: "Yeah, I am not even gone yet, so come on out." 

L: "Okay, I am on my way down." I say, and end the call. 

I open up the stair doors, to fine none other then Julia there waiting for me. "Well, well, well." she says, looking at me. "Julia, what are you doing here?" I ask her, wiping away the tears in my eyes. "Well, I thought I would come and see how the new couple where doing." she says, coming closer to me. 

I start backing up. "You dumb bitch, there is no one here to help you now" She says, and then all I can remember is her pushing me down, and me going down the flight of stairs. 

Casey's POV

What the hell is taking her so long? I take my key out of the of the car, and I see a lady come out of the building. I walk up into the building, and start walking towards the stairs. I open the door, to see Lexie at the break on the stairs, laying there. 

"Lexie!" I yell, running up to her. "Ca-as-sey." she mumbles out. "Okay, don't move, I am going to go get Mark." I say, running up the stairs to get Mark."

Mark's POV

I hear a knock on the door, well more like many. "Lexie, I told you t-" I say, seeing a frantic Casey standing there, with blood on her clothes. "Lexie! She fell down the stairs!" is all she can get out, before I am running to the stairwell. 

I open the door, and I see Lexie, laying in her own blood. "Oh god!" I yell, running down to her. "Casey call an ambulance!" I scream at her. "Oka-ay." she says, pulling her phone out. "Lex, you gotta stay awake." I say, comforting her. "I can-n't." she says, tears running out of her eyes. 

"Lex, did you fall?" I ask her, trying to keep her talking. "No-o." she says, looking at me. "Wha-at happened then?" I ask, surprised by her answer. "Ju-ul-lia" she says. I can't believe what she said, all I can feel is numbness. 

If I had never yelled at her, she would have never came here, and she would be fine. "Okay, the ambulance is almost here," Casey says, going to the other side of her. "Okay, Lex, can you squeeze my hand?" I ask her. "Y-yes." she says, and starts squeezing my hand. "Lex, I am so sorry." I say, tears rolling out of my eyes. 

"Mar-rk. Its okay." she says, looking back up at me. "No, its not." I say, but then the EMS come through the door, and start getting her on a gurney. 

"She is pregnant, and I am her boyfriend." I say, as they carry her down the stairs. "Casey! Meet us at the hospital!" I yell, following the EMS into the ambulance. "Okay!" is all I hear, before they shut the door. 

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