Sneaking around mom

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Megan's POV
I'm walking over to the forest to meet with Lisa, there's a treehouse there and we decided to meet in it so no one will see us. I'm almost there but for some reason I just feel like someone is watching me today, I can't really explain it. I just feel like I'm not the only one seeing what I'm seeing if that makes any sense. The treehouse is right there, it is small and wooden. It is dirty since it's out in the woods too. I hope Lisa is already here I hate waiting alone.

Me: "Lisa?"
Lisa: "Hey sweets! I'm up here!"
Me: "Ok, I'm coming up!"
I started to climb the ladder, thankfully the treehouse wasn't high off the ground because I hate heights. I climbed all the way up and there say Lisa on a blanket with a picnic basket beside her.
Me: "Hi, um nice setup?"
Lisa: "Haha, ya I tried."
I sat down across from her and we just started to catch up about how my life has been. Lisa kept wanting to talk about school and my friend Addie but I wanted to know how she is doing.
Lisa: "I'm okay I guess, lonely but okay."
I looked down at my hands.
Lisa: "Hey, don't be upset! It's just a transition I have to make. I'm so used to having you with me all the time and I forget what it was like when you weren't with me."
Me: "I love you Lisa."
Lisa: "I love you too. Now you have to go before Regina starts to wonder where you are."
Me: "True! Bye!"
I quickly climbed down the latter and I ran home.

I just walked in the door and ran up to the room since my mom should be home any second. I threw my bag and hopped on my bed and acted like I was playing on my phone. A few seconds later I heard my mom open the door and started to come up the stairs.
Mom: "Megan are you here?"
She opened the door and smiled.
Mom: "Good, how was your day?"
Me: "Boring school."
Mom: "At least you have Addie!"
Me: "True."
Mom: "What do you want for dinner? Want a pizza and movie night?"
Me: "Ya!"
She walked out of my room and she shut my door. I still feel odd right now but I can't put my finger on it.

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