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Megan's POV
I cried for a while, blaming myself. I don't want to be here anymore if I am just going to hurt everyone. Regina called from downstairs
Regina: "I'm going out for a bit stay inside Megan and I mean it!"
Ugh... why do I have to stay here. I decided to just go on my phone to pass time, I am going to watch Netflix!  I was in the middle of watching Grey's Anatomy when I heard a knock at the
door. My mom said to never answer the door when I'm home alone, but maybe it's Henry. I slowly walked down stairs and I saw Lisa? Why is my old mom here and how is she here?! I don't know if I should open the door or not. What does she want from me? I finally decided to open the door and she looked up, when she noticed it was me she smiled and pulled me into a hug. I pulled back and frowned at her.
Lisa: "Megan! I missed you so much!"
Me: "Missed me? What do you mean, you sent me away!"
Lisa: "Can I come inside so we can discuss this."
I hesitated, if I let her in and my mom finds out I will be dead. If I don't let her in I will feel bad and won't know the story in her perspective. After thinking it threw I decided to let her in and I gestured her over to the couch.
Lisa: "Do you like it here? Do you have friends?"
Me: "No questions just tell me the story of why you sent me away."
Lisa: "That wasn't your father and I talking, Cora ripped our hearts out and made us do it."
Me: "How do I know that you're telling the truth?"
Lisa: "Why else would I be here."
That's true I guess, she wants me back.
Me: "How did you even get here?"
Lisa: "Well that's a long story. When Cora gave us back out hearts we realized what we had done and wanted
to fine you."
Me: "We... so where's"
Lisa interrupted
Lisa: "Your father is dead Megan."
He's dead? No no no.
Me: "How?!"
Lisa: "When we decided to come after you he threatened Cora, and she took it from there."
I started to cry, I know I hated them a few minutes ago but they raised me. The man who I always looked up to is gone, and I didn't even get to say bye. Lisa hugged me and I tried to get out of
the hug but I couldn't stop crying. Eventually I feel asleep.

Lisa's POV
My poor girl, she feel asleep on me because of how much she was crying. No kid should have to go through this. I was stroking her hair when the door opened, Regina walked in. She stopped when she saw me and Megan and then she stormed over.
Regina: "And who the hell are you? Why are you touching my daughter!"
Me: "I'm Lisa."
Her eyes widened
Regina: "You're the women that broke my babies heart."
Me: "She's mine too you know."
Regina: "Why is she asleep?"
Me: "She cried herself to sleep because I told her about how her father died."
Regina: "Well I don't want you here so leave."
She walked over and picked up Megan bridal style and brought her up to her room. When she came back down she opened the door and point the way out.
Me: "I will get her back."
Regina: "No you won't."

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