Boyfriends and daydreams

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Megan's POV
I was fast asleep on my warm comfy bed when all the sudden I hear my mom call out my name. I just took the pillow and put it over my head, I want to sleep does she not understand that and plus these are my last few days without school! Threw the pillow I could hear her heels clicking while coming up the stairs and towards my room. Then I felt a hand on my back and the pillow was lifted off my head.
Mom: "Megan wake up now."
Me: "But I want to sleep!"
She just stared back at me with her stern motherly look that actually does make me a bit scared of her.
Me: "Why do I have to get up, I'm grounded and can't go anywhere."
Mom: "You are going to meet Robin today, he's very eager to meet my lovely daughter that I always talk about."
I just rolled my eyes and pulled the bedsheets over my head.
Mom: "Megan you're getting up right now, like it or not you are meeting Robin and his... Just get up missy."
Me: "And his what?"
Mom: "Nothing just get up."
Me: "Mom? And his what?"
She got up from my bed that she was siting on and started to walk out my bedroom door
"Just get ready please."
I just rolled my eyes and plopped back down in my bed. I don't want to meet this Robin and he better not have kids. I think I am done with changes for now, no more surprises. I went over to the washroom and stripped off my clothes. I hopped in the shower and I thought of what it might be like if Robin were living here.
Into Daydream:
I walked downstairs after waking up. I go into the kitchen and I see mom and Robin eating breakfast. I walk into the dining room and no one noticed me, so I went to go grab my own plate. I head over to the kitchen and look around for breakfast, but it's all gone. Okay, well I can just have some cereal. I opened the cupboard and there was no cereal left. Mom hates cereal so Robin must have ate it all yesterday night when he was snacking. I will just skip breakfast... I go back into the dining room and they were already gone.
Me: "Mom?"
Mom called back: "Yes Megan?"
Me: "Where are you?"
Mom: "We are in my room getting ready to go out. Just go watch TV or something!"
Me: "Where are you going, do I have to get dressed too?"
Mom: "No Robin and I are just going out."
Again. This has happen almost everyday since he moved in. My mom doesn't want me anymore I'm just extra weight that she has to take care of. That's why Henry doesn't live here probably.

Out of daydream:
What if that happens? What if my mom just forgets about me and wants me gone because she just wants Robin and not me? Things just started to go good and now this man is going to come and ruin things. I don't want him here or with my mom.
Then I heard my mom yell
Mom: "Megan Robin is here come down please!"

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