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Coras POV
I have watched Megan for a while and I learned that I am not the only one sneaking around. Looks like she takes after her mother and her grandmother. So this woman, Lisa, she means a lot to her if Megan is willing to break the rules and see her. She's breaking these rules to get to Lisa therefore she will do anything to make sure Lisa is safe. That is why I decided she will be the one I will take hostage with me so Megan will come to me and be mine. Now just how do I do it? Lisa seems to be low key around town since everyone probably dislikes her. All I know is this treehouse place... got it. I will watch Megan until she makes plans to meet Lisa again at that dirty treehouse. Hopefully Lisa will go earlier like this time and that's when I will come in a snatch her. I will leave a letter to poor little Megan saying how her dear friend Lisa is in my loving hands! She will for sure come running to me... Now just to keep watching my little one.

*Next day*

Megan's POV
I just woke up and got dressed for school. I had nightmares last night of someone watching me so I didn't get much sleep. I just want to come home after school and sleep.
Mom: "Megan come eat breakfast!"
Me: "Coming!"
I grabbed my bag and phone and went downstairs to eat with my mom. I got downstairs and saw my mom sitting at the table with a plate of bacon and eggs. I quickly grabbed a seat and she laughed.
Mom: "How did you sleep?"
Me: "Not that good actually, nightmares."
Mom: "Why didn't you come wake me up?"
Me: "I didn't want to wake you up."
Mom: "No honey, you can always come to me, okay? No matter what time!"
I smiled at the thought of how my mom loves me so much. It just makes me happy.
Mom: "What did you have nightmares about?"
Me: "About someone watching me, like a stalker or something."
Mom: "Oh, why brought that on? Usually dreams connect to life."
Me: "I felt odd yesterday but it was probably just me."
Mom: "Ok we'll make sure you come home after school and text me where you are okay? Take a nap too!"
Me: "Ok mom."
Then we heard a knock at the door and like always it will be Henry coming to walk together to school. I got up and got the door and I was right.
Henry: "Hey, hey mom!"
Mom: "Henry! How are you?"
Henry: "Good but we have to go!"
Mom: "Oh ya sorry we were too busy eating bacon!"
We all laughed and Henry and I hugged mom goodbye and we left for school.

Boring chapter I'm sorry!!!

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