A Boyfriend?

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Megan's POV
I really hate this whole grounding thing, it's boring as hell. What can one do without a phone or tv? But hey I'm not technology obsessed it's just that I also can't even go outside, so don't blame me! I. Am. So. Bored.
Yay, maybe some excitement will happen today. I heard my mom open the door and then I heard a mans voice.  Who could that be? I started to quietly walk down the stairs, just far enough so I could hear their conversation without them hearing me.
Mom: "No I haven't told her yet... or Henry."
Man: "You have to soon I hate this."
Mom: "I know I will I promise, now go quick before Megan comes down!"
Man: "Love you!"
And with that she shut the door. Love you? Why is he saying that to my mom? She doesn't have a boyfriend, I don't think...
Mom: "Megan?!"
Aw man she caught me.
Me: "Hey..."
Mom: "Did you hear why just happen?"
Me: "Yeah. Who was that, and why did he say I love you?"
Mom: "Come sit down."
Great I hate these talks so much. I walked over to the couch and sat beside my mom.
Mom: "I have been keeping a little secret from you."
Me: "Okay..."
Mom: "That was Robin and he and I are seeing each other."
What?! I don't want another person in my life!
Mom: "Megan? Are you ok with this?"
Me: "I guess so... how long have you guys, you know?"
Mom: "Quite a while but I told him we had to take a break when you came because I wanted to focus on just you."
Me: "Does Henry know, or anyone?"
Mom: "Nope and please I want to tell them. I want you to also meet Robin he is a very nice man. I have told him so much about you already."
Me: "Ok... he won't be living with us though will he?"
Mom: "No or at least not now. Who knows what the future holds."
I guess this is fine, but as long as he doesn't think he can be a dad to me. I don't want him bossing me around or stealing my mom from me, I just got her back. Hopefully this is the last person I need to meet now.

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