chapter 13

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I wake up in bed with my P.J's on and all the lights are off and the whole house is silent, you could hear a cockroach (ya I know, "you could hear a pen drop" but I changed it XD). I got up from the bed and yawn, slipping on my slippers and go down the stairs.
I walk into the kitchen and go to the fridge and pour water in a glass then chugged it down. Washing the glass I put it back up into the counter, after drying it. I flop onto the couch and turn on the T.V and watch adult swim (Saturday night 12:00 AM) Anime was on. Right now was Dragon ball Z Kai then was Gundam unicorn, then Naruto Shippuden, next was one punch man, one piece and so on. I stayed up for about 2 hours already watching one piece. Looking at my watch I see that it's 2:00 AM. So I shut off the TV and lazily go back up stairs with my back hunching and my foot steps heavy. I reach my rooms door slowly opening it and walking in jumping on my bed pulling the covers over my cold shaking thin figure.

5 HOURS LATER--+++++-- 7:00 AM

My alarm goes off and I groan slamming my fist on the off button.
"Can't a woman get some rest once in a while?!" I groan, getting up, stripping out of my clothes and jump in the shower. About 5 minutes later I finally get out, brush my hair and teeth, get dressed in clothes : PICTURE DOWN THERE

I braid my hair then put my sunglasses on my head walking downstairs to make breakfast before the guys wake up, the guys wake up bout 10:00-12:00

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I braid my hair then put my sunglasses on my head walking downstairs to make breakfast before the guys wake up, the guys wake up bout 10:00-12:00.
I start getting the seaweed out, the rice, some crab and other stuff to make sushi.
"Why not have sushi for breakfast, huh?" I chuckle slightly to myself.

I hear thumping on the stairs and look up to see a very tired Landon and Andrew, with ethen smiling at me coming down the stairs. I smile back at them, then focus back down at my sushi I made for everyone.
"You guys better like sushi!!" I playfulling glare at the boys as they smile replying with a 'yay' or 'yup I like sushi. But why breakfast?'
"Now my child, there is a lot for you to learn" I say shaking my head getting a pair of chop sticks form the drawer. I sit back down and eat some sushi when I hear another loud chorus of thumps from the stairs. I don't even look up from eating know it's Reed, Austin and jackub. Reed Is like a guard for Austin I guess you could say. Nobody really talks about or to him much. He doesn't seem very affected from it but I still try to be nice. I look up and give them all a friendly smile then point to the rest of the sushi. I hear them going into the kitchen and eating it.
I sigh to myself
Not even coming to the table then...I see.
I get up and go to wash the dishes when I feel soft kissed on my neck.
"Hello, jackub" I giggle
"Hello cupcake"
He has this obsession of cupcakes so that's my nickname for me.
"Have you seen Andy today?"
I ask turning around so our faces are almost touching each other.
"No. Sorry, cupcake. Although when I put you in bed I saw him sneaking out the back door." He says while giving me a kiss on the cheek then walking away back upstairs.
What is Andy doing??

Hey guys! I hope you likes this chapter. Ya it's short. Get used to it XD
So what do you think Andy has gone? Hehe I'm probably making it to easy :(
I hope you enjoy! 😘😘

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