chapter 6

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"im up, im up." i say in a groggy voice

"come down stairs. and wear the clothes i put out for you." and with that, Austin left.

i stared down at the clothes on the bed. crop top with dope on it, dark blue high heels, black eyeliner, black high-waist shorts, gold earrings, gold neck less, and a black purse.

i walked out of the room and went down stairs to be greeted by the gang. I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge.
"What are you doing?" Someone asks behind me.
"making breakfast." I smile at the thought. Pancakes!!
"Makes eggs and bacon."
"Wait, what?! I wanna make pancakes! Please! You'll like them." I coo
Austin growled then answered yes and walked out of the kitchen.
I got the flour, eggs, milk, sugar, pans, and measured it then waited. A few minutes later, there ready.
"Pancakes ready!" I shout for the gang, as I put them all on plates.
"YAAAY" they all shout, except for austin.
After everyone's done, they get dressed and go to school.

I sigh and look at the to do list.
1. Clean
2. Buy groceries
3. Make dinner
4. Reset phone number
5. Feed the dog
6. Clean your room
We have a dog?

I finished cleaning and then cleaned my room, I reset the phone number and wrote it down for the boys, I found the dog finally and fed him.
I get in the truck and drive to Walmart.
"Let's see...what for dinner?" I ask myself
I could call Ethan and ask him...I nod to myself and pull out the phone and look through the contacts.
I tap it and wait for an answer. After the 3rd ring he answers.
"Hello?" He asks into the phone
"Hi, what do you guys want for dinner? I'm at the store right now." I ask looking at everything.
I hear Ethan ask the boys what they want for dinner in the background and then he yes back, "Ramon noodles." He says. "OK" I answer and he hangs up.
I might as well and get some pockys while I'm here. I go to the Asian food and find the pockys and drop 4 chocolate pockys in the cart. Once I get the Ramon noodles I go to the cashier and pay for everything.
"Hello, how is your day?" She says smiling.
"Could be better" I answer fake smiling
"What's wrong?" She asks curiously
If I told her, the boys will find out somehow and I'll be in trouble.
"My husband cheated on me..." Damn it Fiona!
"You look a little young to be married."
"It was forced by our parents." I frown hoping to fool her.
"Oh, well I hope you'll be ok." She says waving while I walk out with the bags in my hands.

I get to the house seeing cars in the driveway. I raise a brow and lock the car then go inside.
I gasp at the scene and drop the groceries. "HEY, I JUST CLEANED THIS DAMN HOUSE!" I yell at the men that are throwing stuff everywhere.
"Who are you?" One asks with a strong serious voice.
"I'm Fiona Bradley, and I demand to know what's going on here!" I say in a stern voice,
"Well, Fiona, you know the gang right?" One asks
"Of course I do." I answer in a duh voice.
"Ok so, the gang sell drugs and were looking for them because they sell for a high price. The guys said that it was ok to take some." He continues.
"I don't believe you." I say crossing my arms.
"Then call them" he says grinning
I pulled out my phone and called austin, since he the leader.
Once he picks up, I answer first, "hi austin, there are guys at the house saying that you're letting them take some drugs. And I don't believe them so now I'm calling you." I say into the phone
"I don't remember saying that to anyone. Put them on the phone."
I handed the phone to the guy.
"Hey austin." He says
"You don't remember me?" He says in a child voice frowning.
"Geez, don't yell. Its me, Gavin smith."
He gives the phone back to me grinning, "you still there austin?"
"Ya, and he can get drugs. Just make him pay a few hundreds." He says in an aggravated voice.
"K." I say then hang up
After they get the drugs they pay $300 like asked then I put the money on Austin's bed and look at the mess.
Goddamn it

I spent the rest of the day picking up and redoing everything before the boys got here, then I put up everything and made the Ramon noodles.

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