xiii. positive

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"Yes. Right, then. I'll see you when you get here."

I look up at the sound of Jeremy's voice entering the basement. He hung up the phone and walked over to Clay and I.

"Elena?" Clay asks.

"Antonio, I sent him to reach out to the other North American families. And without revealing too much about our situation, he found out that we are the only ones targeted by the Mutts." Jeremy says.

"We all live by the rules you set. No offense to the other families, but if someone is going to strike, they'd strike at the head." Clay points out.

"Still, it's good to know that we can count on some extra muscle if we need it. I sent Nick down to D.C. to have a conversation with Joey and Dennis Stillwell." Jeremy tells us, pointing to D.C on the map.

"You think for a second if the Stillwells find out we're under attack, they won't join the Mutts? They're traitors. The Stillwells are hardly traitors." Clay reminds him.

"When the Pack separated, they went their own way and they would prefer not to be involved in our business." Jeremy says.

"Isn't defending you part of their business?" Clay asks him, standing up.

"Isn't defending you part of their business?" Clay asks him, standing up

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"If I called, they would come. I've had no occasion to call. Nick will make it clear to them that all of our allies need to stay in line."

"And if that doesn't work? You'll expect me to get them in line?" Clay scowls at Jeremy.

"You going to tell me what's really bothering you, Clay?" Jeremy asks Clay, knowing he was upset about something.

"What if she doesn't come home?" Clay mutters sadly.

I stand up, rolling my eyes in the process. I can't listen to anymore Clay and Elena drama, the two of them need to act their ages and address the elephant in the room.

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