"Hey gorgeous" Joe whispers, pecking on the side of my nose. I give a stern look.  "I know you love me,  but you're gonna have to let it go". His face saddens. He whispers into my ear. "I told you Abbie was trying to break you two up, she's sat in corner recording our whole conversation". I turn ,Abbies head was peaking from around the corner. I get up to face the camera and put my finger up at it. I hear the shear break of the glass as it hits the floor. Abbie face turns beetroot at the sight of her phone on the floor. "Get out" I shout at her.

I woke to find all the girls at the end of my bed. They've all already done their makeup and hair. "What time is it?" I laugh. "10 o'clock. We didn't want you to be tired or late so we were gonna leave you at half past" Maddie stutters.  I smile at her, as I stubble out of bed. I trip over someone's hairbrush on the floor and land on my face against the hard floor. Everyone runs around to me, generally concerned. Then, I hear the slight chuckle of Joe Sugg in the door way. Paige starts to giggle and I give her a glare.

The girls doll me up, hair and all. Then we put on my corset. "Tell me when you can't breath" Maddie says, as she fumbles with the strings. I take in a gasp of oxygen before the strings are pulled and the grip around my waist tightens.I struggle for air before yelling, "Okay, I think thats tight enough". She laughs and helps put the rest of my things on. (Dress below is the dress shes wearing, but this isn't the image for Paisley)

 (Dress below is the dress shes wearing, but this isn't the image for Paisley)

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I step out the horse drawn carriage and stare at the enormous white gazebo decorate with pink and yellow roses. My dad was stood outside, his eyes on me. "Angel, you look..." he couldn't finish his words. "Dad". I bring him into hug. Once I release him, I give him a warm smile. "Time to go" he says, his eyes brimming with tears. I wipe them away with my sleeve of my cardigan. I put on a brave smile as I walk into the hell whole that my wedding was going to go down in.


The band started the music up, which made my leg quiver. I stood next to my tall blonde friend Caspar in our suits, waiting for the love of my life to walk down the isle to another man. I hum along to the song 'here comes the bride'. Caspar next to me starts the hum the children's play ground rhyme 'here comes the bride, 40 inches wide, here comes the vicar, 10 inches bigger'. I look up at him, and give him a small whack on the arm. She walks down the isle. "Wow" I say. She was so beautiful. She gives me a small smile  as she walks past. My heart starts to race. I stare at the back, wishing she was mine. I whisper to myself "Things I could do with you I cant keep to myself. The way your face is formed crosses my mind everyday. Im in love with you, Paisley Laura Ardleigh Hargreeves".

Jack's already in tears. I was close enough to the from to here him stumble "you look amazing". She blushes and gives him a small smile. They start to exchange the vowels when I realize I couldn't listen to it anymore. I started to block out the sounds and rock back and forth on the chair. Of course I wasnt having a panic attack, just ignoring the fact the happiness around me wasnt mine.  I tune back in when the priest asks "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace". Suddenly there was a shout from the back. Abbie started to walk up the isle. "You skanking bitch!" She yells at Paisley. "He's mine and you stole. You proved that you can be with someone else as deserving to you". Then she points at me. Tears start to stream Paisleys face. "Get her out" Jack says to the security man guarding the door.  

Paisley looks back at me and I turn to leave, but Jack tells me to sit back in my seat. "Its not your fault man" he says to me. 

I watch my best friend and the love of my life get married. Nothing to remember but heartbreak.



The interruption of Abbie nerved, but Jack eventually calmed me down. The party was amazing. Many balloons, of various colours, were strung around the room.  We partied till the night drew away. 

Jack and I danced to my favourite song. Thinking out loud. I leant my head against his shoulder, hand on his chest. He smiled down at me and cupped my face in his hands. "I love you" he says. The night seemed to drift away as we smiled and danced to Ed Sheeran and his love songs.


The night concluded as I walked up to Joseph Sugg. "Hello mister" I say, slightly drunk. "You look tired" he says, taking my arm to dance with me. We sway to the music. "Everythings going to be okay for, Joe. I will never stop being a friend to you, and we'll never lose contact". 

And thats how it ended. My wedding ended with me dancing with my boy bestfriend. And my life new as Mrs. Paisley Maynard is just awaiting in the nearby future.


I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT❤ I hope the book lives on in memory of these guys! X

There will be a sort authors note next and then 3 bonus chapters.

1) Meeting with Aubrey! (Who's name is changing)(My fangirl in Nottingham)

There's a clue of one of them! No other clues x

Goodbye, and goodnight


Finished on the 16/02/17.

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