Chapter 68: I Have No Regrets

Start from the beginning

"You don't want me Colin... you want Savannah. You're just trying to fill a void in your heart by—"

"Am I?" I questioned softly, "or was Savannah just the one I was using to fill the void left by you?"

She pulled away and forced a smile, "I see the way you look at her Colin... You love her"

She opened the door and I followed her out, down to the car, where we went on our way to meet Reece at the airport.

POV: Savannah

"Get up professor," I joked, shaking Ryan from his slumber, "you're gonna be late to class!"

Ryan let out a groan, "five more minutes..."

"No sir, we have half an hour to get in class and it takes at least fifteen minutes to get there on a good day! You don't even have your underwear on—"

"Great! Now get in bed and let me teach you a few things!"

He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed.

"Ryan," I laughed, "my hair just stared looking good!"

"You always look good..."

He smiled, kissed me on the lips, and held me close for a few moments before releasing his grip. We got off of the bed and he then proceeded to put on his button down shirt and grey trousers from the night before, which were strewn all over the room.

Once he got dressed, I rushed him out of my room and into the car. Ryan complained the entire time about how tired he was, and how he didn't have any time to fix his hair. We pulled up to he school and heard the bell ring just as we were walking up the entrance steps.

"Race you!"

He was a child...

Before I had time to respond, Ryan was darting up the last few stairs, and zipping inside. I sighed and chased after him. Some other teachers were out in the hall, ready to close the door on any student who dared to enter their class late.

As we flew down the hall, some of the more professional teachers turned their heads and gave us nasty looks.

"Woohoo!" Ryan shouted at the top of his lungs, causing even more of  a ruckus, "it's my last day!"

He clapped his hands together and continued sprinting at full speed.

He was way to hype for this...

"Ryan calm yourself... people are having class right now—"

"NO CAN DO!" He yelled, cutting me off, "Enjoy the moment Savannah!"



He smiled, did an about face, and pointed right at me.

"Day...." I replied, unenthusiastically.

"Come on Savannah, where's your excitement?!"

He slowed down and waited for me to catch up. Once he was to the left of me, he threw his arm around my shoulder and we walked in unison.

"One more time, just for me," he pleaded, "since it's my last day..."

"Fine..." I sighed heavily, continuing to trudge down the hall.

He clapped his hands together and got himself pumped up again.





I gradually got more and more energized, and we ended up walking down the hall shouting, until we reached his classroom where we were greeted with an unexpected explosion of noise.


The entire class shouted at the top of their lungs and jumped out from various locations around the room. His desk was filled with gifts and food was scattered in various locations around the classroom. Ryan beamed a giant smile as he surveyed everyone's shining faces, and posed for all of the phone cameras.

"You guys didn't have to do this for me!" He insisted, walking into the room, receiving hugs from everyone and thanking them all for caring.

I followed close behind him through the chaos until he was eventually pulled away by some football players who entered the classroom to say goodbye to Ryan. I sat alone in a corner desk and surveyed everyone around. They were all having a blast, but all I could do was wonder how I was going to get through life without Reece or Colin.

Someone placed a hand on my shoulder and shook me from my thoughts.

"Hey girl, why aren't you enjoying the party!?" Ryan asked, sitting in a desk next to me.

"There's nothing to celebrate," I claimed, forcing a smile and continuing on, "you leaving forever isn't something I care to enjoy—"

"Not forever," he smiled, sympathetically scooting his desk closer to mine, and reaching over to grab my hand, interlocking our fingers, "I'll be back... I promise"

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