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The days had gone by quicker than expected and it was now Christmas Day, well, Christmas afternoon since it's now 1pm as I am getting up as well as the other guys.

Harry, JJ and Ethan had decided to go to their parents houses and spend time there while everyone else invited their families to the Sidemen house so we could have a big Christmas together.

I was quite nervous about meeting the guys parents, I mean, what would they think of me? I got pregnant and the father isn't around.

"Merry Christmas Scarlett." Tobi greeted as he walked out of Ethan's room, where he had been staying the previous night, both Cal's also stayed over and Sarah would be coming by later too.

"Merry Christmas Tobi." I tiredly replied as we made our way down to the kitchen, where josh had successfully made pancakes and bacon for everyone, "Wow Josh you didn't burn the house down for once." I teasingly joked as I accepted the plate he handed me and sat down.

He playfully rolled his eyes before going back to finishing off the pancakes.

"So, what time is everyone else coming around at?" I asked as the others began to come down, Simon's hair was sticking up in every way as he tiredly accepted the plate from Josh and grabbed the last free seat.

"Uh, well my mum is coming down around 4ish." Simon responded before digging into his plateful of food. By the time everyone else was down and we all had finished our food it was half one, and we still had to cook the dinner.

"Do you guys even know how to do this without burning the house down?" I teased, Josh lightly chuckled before nudging me in the direction of the sitting room, "Yes," he responded, "You don't need to help us so go inside and rest."

I followed his instructions and made my way into the sitting room where I sat down and turned the television on, there wasn't much interesting on as I flicked through the channels repeatedly until I came across a random cartoon and began to watch it.


"OH SHIT!" I jumped up quickly after hearing the yelling and the smell of smoke.

Quickly I rushed into the kitchen and had to laugh at the sight before me. The smoke alarm had just gone off and Josh who was slightly panicking was trying to blow away and smoke off the burnt turkey with his hands.

"Josh, what happened?" I asked as I held in my giggles, "the turkey may be slightly overcooked." He replied sheepishly after finally the smoke alarm stopped ringing.

"What time is it anyway?" I asked yawning, Josh smirked, "Its only 5pm, not like you napped too long." My eyes widened at his words, "I slept for that long? Are the others here? Why didn't anyone wake me?"

"Hey calm down," Josh spoke calmly as he came over and patted my shoulder, "You need as much rest as possible, and yes everyone is upstairs."

"Josh, is everything alright in her- oh my," I turned around as a woman walked into the kitchen, she had mid length brown hair and a scrunched up expression as she came into the kitchen, "there's so much smoke in here, oh, you must be Scarlett!" She smiled brightly as she walked over to me, "my name's Sharon (random name), I'm Simon's mum."

My eyes widened as I smiled and shook her hand in greeting, "It's so lovely to meet you Mrs. Minter!-"

"Just call me Sharon, there's no need to be formal about it." She chuckled lightly, "Anyway, since you're up how about both of you now join us so me can open presents? We wanted to wait until you were up before we started."

"What about the dinner?"
"Oh, you could have woke me." Both myself and Josh spoke at the same time, I turned to him as we both chuckled, Sharon smiled shaking her head, "We brought extra food for a reason Josh, no offence, we just wanted to come prepared, and of course we wouldn't have woken you," she then spoke to me, "You need as much sleep as possible, Simon tells me you'll be going for your fourth month appointment after the new year."

The Real Me (A CraftBattleDuty/Sidemen Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now