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I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me throughout all of this and I hope you enjoyed this book. I'm posting a new Luke fanfic called Circles, today so I hope you guys like it, check it out if you want. I'll leave a little blurb of it at the end of this. Anyways Farewell. Xoxo

Epilogue - Luke

"Hurry up Luke!" Michael's voice called at me. I looked into the mirror, fixing my tie before glancing over at one of my best mate who looked a lot better than I did.

"I'm coming," I told him.

I heard a loud sound from the other room and Mike rush over to his phone. By that time I had arrived in the kitchen, where Mike was currently standing.

"Change of plans, Ash just texted me and told me they'd meet us at the church," he told me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him grabbing my jackets and keys before heading towards the door.

"I think so, he didn't seem worried," Mike answered.

"It was a text, how could he seem worried?" I questioned him sarcastically as I locked the door.

Today was a big day, everything had to be just perfect. The amount of work everyone, including myself, put into today. If anything went wrong, I knew I'd never hear the end of it.

"Are you driving or..."

"You should drive," I told him and I threw the keys at him. Knowing Mike he fumbled and dropped them.

I opened the passenger door and sat in the seat waiting for my best mate to turn on the car. It was July, not particularly warm in Aus so I really needed some heat to warm me up. Normally I would prefer to cuddle but seeing as I was a 26 year old I wasn't to content on cuddling with my best mate.

"Have you texted Calum?" Mike asked me.

"No, there's no need to, I think everything's ready." I replied honestly even though deep down I was freaking out on the inside.

"You've got the rings, right Luke?" Mike looked at me with a concerned expression on his face.

I patted my top pocket before removing a small plastic bag, and nevertheless there the rings were.

"Yup!" I popped the P.


"Big day mate," I said to Calum as he arrived in the dressing room at the church.

"I know," Calum stated looking himself over in the mirror, constantly re-adjusting something. I swear nothing looked out of place but I guess it was just the nerves.

"You OK?" I asked my best friend as I walked up to him so we were both facing the mirror looking into it.

"Just a bit on the edge."

"Not having second thoughts are you? You're an important part in today!" I reminded him, already knowing what his answer would be.

"Of course not!" Calum replied ever so quickly, "I just hope everything goes as planned."

"I'm sure it will," I tried to comfort him, "but if it doesn't, what's the worst that could happen?"

Calum looked up at me, I was still after all the tallest of our group. Even if we weren't a band anymore 5 Seconds of Summer was always going to be the four of us. The four anime looking characters from Aussie who never thought they'd ever have a chance to make it in the big leagues.

But we did, we proved everyone - even ourselves - wrong.

Who knows, one day from now 5 Seconds of Summer may regroup and do a tour or an album here and there. I'm sure we'd all like that, but for now our priorities were our personal lives. We all knew that and that's why the breakup of the band wasn't a horrible one and we all remained as close as ever.

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