Chapter 23 - Luke

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Dedicated to directionerrrrr13 because she commented and voted on so many of my chapters!xo

ps. exams are coming up for me so please dont ask for me to update, i will when i have time xo

Chapter 23 - Luke

I had no idea what I was going to do for the next 2 months until school started back up. As sad and pitiful as it sounds school was my forte. I didn't have soccer like Cal, I couldn't make a living off playing video games like Mike could (if he was given the chance), and I definitely did not have as much freedom or friends as Ash. So I knew that meant that summer (or winter, depending on where you're from) meant me staying in my room all day until my Mum forced me to go outside.

It was only the first week of break and I had already read the whole reading list for Year 12 English, that's how unsociable I really am. Cal was off this week playing soccer in Brazil, he's been looking forward to that for a long time and I can't wait for the blabbering on about what happened when he gets back this Friday, in 2 days in fact. Wow I'm so lonerish, I've even lost track of what day it is. How sad on my part.

Jack, Dianne, and Ben were coming over tonight for a family dinner. It'd been a couple of months since I'd seen my brother's but at least it meant I wouldn't be bored 24/7. I assumed after the first half an hour to an hour of them being here I'd wish they'd leave. But hey that's siblings for you.

I looked at my phone to check the time and scrolled through my contacts after that to see if there was anyone else I could text or call to ask to hang out in the mean time. I saw Ashton and knew he was hanging out with some of his older friends today so I didn't want to bother him, then there was Bailey, to be honest I didn't even remember if that was a guy or a girl... I probably should delete some of these people. After a few more scrolls I reached Calum and out of habit I was about to dial his number until I remembered he wasn't in the country. Next on the list of course though was Cameron, I hadn't heard back from her since I sent her the text. I had a feeling she wasn't going to reply because I didn't make a conversation or ask a question. I simply made a statement and I guess she understood it.

In the end though I really would've liked a 'goodbye' anything really. She didn't say it to my face or text me or even call me. I didn't know the night at the dance was her that night in Aus- and I've been beating myself up for what I said to her ever since. I meant to intentionally push her away, just as she had done to me. I just didn't know it was her last night, but now it all makes sense. Her actions meant fair well, she merely wanted to dance with me to make up for what she said to me. She didn't return any of the same feelings. She just wanted to leave here with a clean slate.

I scrolled past her name moving on, like I shoud've done so a long time ago. From D-K I found no one. When I found someone considerable I remembered that they were either too cool for me or too annoying to be around, or I actually didn't remember who they were. When I reached L I say two names side by side and wondered if I called either of them if they would answer. After the incident at the dance Lance and Lauren both hated me. Everyone at the dance knew that Lauren hated me because literally a minute after talking to Cameron she ran up to me and yelled at me in front of everyone. Lance however made his hatred a little more subtle, he just would give me dirty looks whenever our Mum's hung out or whenever I'd pass him at the market or something a long those lines.

I knew they were mad at me because of the way I handled the situation but at that moment in time when everything around you stops and the girl you like is standing in front of you talking to you how do you know what to say? How do you know you'll do or say the right thing? Obviously at the moment I did neither but in the end I panicked, I was shocked and utterly surprised. What Cameron did wasn't you know- Cameron, and that's why it shocked me so much. So even though most of the guilt and blame lies on my shoulders I think I can shift some to hers.

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