Chapter 24 - Cameron

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Dedicated to HanaIrwin because she literally voted for every single one of my chapters and commented on so many of them. Thanks for the endless support. xo

Chapter 24 - Cameron

England hadn't changed much since I was last here. But why would it? It is still very rainy, boring and cloudy. Might I add on gray as well. My Mum and Dad had actually kept their word and did not work the first two weeks that I was back. Of course there was the occasional phone call here and there but that was expected, they couldn't do what they do without that. Even when we went on 'family vacation' the phone calls never stopped.

Today was the first day my parent's were both going back to work- or working I guess. Dad decided to work from home but Mum had to go in, she said her business was very hands on (whatever that means).

Tom wasn't home, Dad told me that he was staying with a friend the past two weeks and coming home today. His timing was to coincidental not to be intentional, but that was Tom.

When I had first arrived home it was a bit awkward and conversations were very simple and casual. My Mum asked me if I enjoyed my time in Aus and I replied honestly with a 'yes'. Questions like that were the only ones asked the first few days. I guess my parent's weren't sure where I stood with them since it was there idea to ship me away. I couldn't believe they actually thought I had a drug problem, it was my first offence and not even a legit one for God's sake.

The way they acted around me showed me that Tom had not spilled the beans about what really happen. I was really disappointed in him by that, but I guess I should've known he hadn't or I would've been back in England the second they found out, my Mother would have made sure of that.

My parent's agreed to let me take a couple of months off and start second semester at Sixth Form, I guess they really did feel guilty about shipping me away. There were other ways to handle the situation and they realized that, only a bit too late.

Lance and I still talked a lot, every day- almost. He called me when he woke up which meant it was night here and I called him when I was going to bed which meant it was morning there. So we had the same schedule. Lauren and I still did talk in fact, not as much as Lance and I did though (to my surprise). But Lauren had always been the more social one out of the two and she was probably really busy, especially since she got her first job- it was at Macca's but so what? It's a job right?

Now for the other L as in Luke, we hadn't talked at all but that was expected. I didn't reply to his text nor call him. I was sorta hoping he would do one of those things but my wish never came true.

Actually when I talked to Lance this morning he told me Louis Tomlinson from One Direction tweeted a link to one of 5SOS' videos and they had been the talk of the town- or city in fact. Their popularity supposedly tripled in the past week and they had gained massive amounts of followers. I iMessaged Calum and congratulated him and the boys, they really worked hard and deserved the attention they were getting.

For my own sake however, I hadn't stalked their Twitter's recently. I didn't exactly know what I would see but I thought it would lead me back to missing Luke. And yes, I've accepted the fact that I do miss the blond anime, but I blame that on the basis that we aren't talking not just because I'm not in Australia anymore. I miss Lance and Lauren as well, but when it comes to Luke I just feel so empty.

I left on awkward and unsatisfying terms, I know I could've stayed longer or made a greater effort to talk to Luke but he was happy, he moved on. He had a date after all. I don't think he ever really liked me, I just think he was lonely, but now he had someone and he didn't reach out to me. I proved my theory correct.

Facade - HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora