Chapter 6 - Cameron

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Chapter 6 - Cameron

The blonde, female, anime character infuriated me. I thought I made it pretty clear that I wanted nothing to do with him. I helped his injured friend, that didn't mean anything. I was doing a good deed. But Luke's reaction to it makes me regret it. People shouldn't think I'm a good person, their expectations grow high. I live my life for no one but myself. I'm an independent person, I have been my whole entire life and I'm quite satisfied with that.


"Liz, oh hi," I replied turning to face my host who had a mixture of a worried and panicked look on her face.

"Where are the boys? How's Calum?" she said in one breath.

"They're down the hall in the ER and I'm not sure."

Liz nodded and left to go find the boys. She came back with Luke, Ashton, and Calum in a wheel chair about half an hour later and motioned me to join them. I got up off the bench I'd been sitting and walked over to them.

"How's the foot?" I asked Calum.

"Still painful but better now," he said and smiled at me.

I nodded back to him and started walking ahead of the group towards Liz's car.

"Wait, Cameron!" I heard someone call to me from behind.


"Thanks, for helping me. I probably would've damaged it even more if you hadn't given me proper instructions," Calum replied looking at me.

I once again nodded at him hopping into the back seat of Liz's car.


Today was a Sunday and I knew what that meant. Band practice. For weeks I've been trying to find a place in the Hemmings house where the horrible sounds cannot be heard but it is nearly impossible. The furthest room away from the ruckus coincidently is Luke's. I'd never been in his room and neither did I want to. So I sat right outside his room with my homework.

"Cameron what are you doing?" Andrew asked me.


"Well I can see that. But why are you sitting on the ground outside of Luke's room?" he questioned.

"This is the furthest place away from the animes," I replied.

He laughed at my reference to his sons band.

"Do you really not like their music that much?" he said still chuckling.

"To be honest, their music isn't that horrendous, it's them I don't like," I said completely honest.

"Well they seem to like you quite a lot, I always hear many discussions about you," he said with a grin, "but don't tell them I've told you, wouldn't want to reveal their crushes."

"That's a funny joke," I replied.

"Oh I'm not joking Cameron," Andrew said and walked away.

I'm guessing it'd been a couple hours since Andrew left because I saw Luke walking up the stairs with his guitar in hand. I tried to quickly collect all my stuff which resulted with my papers flying everywhere. I hurried over to grab all the paper and just as I was about to grab the last one I saw a hand reach for it.

"How I can improve my attitude?" Luke questioned reading the title of the piece of paper he picked up.

"Shut up and give it back to me," I stated.

"Ah but no," he started, "the first thing on your list to improve your attitude is to stay calm and collected, and you're not doing that Cameron."

"This list is for my TT class, you think I mean anything I've written on that list?" I said.

Facade - Hemmingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें