Chapter 20 - Cameron

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Dedicated to ohmyharries, thank you for being an active reader xo

Chapter 20 - Cameron

I knew what I said was harsh but I also knew that it had to be said. Luke had to get over me and remembering me as a heartless bitch would be the best way to do that. I'd hoped that with all the horrid things I said to him he'd regret ever liking me, helping him move on faster. And no, just because I care about his feelings (surprising I know) does not mean I feel anything toward him. I mean how could I?

As hard as it was for me to admit it I missed him. God, I actually missed his lame jokes and even that mop of blonde hair on his head. Even the way he used to get mad when his Mum would give me part of his share of food.

I missed the rest of the animes too, Calum and I talked sometimes he was in my Geography class and I sa in front of him. Did I mention him and Lauren broke up? Shocker?! Well she didn't seem to bummed about it and neither did he, they were still friends- I knew that for sure. I also saw Mike too, we were in the same music class, Calum and Luke were in the other one. He didn't talk to me much though, I'm pretty sure he was upset with what'd I'd done to his friend. And as for Ashton, I never saw him- he didn't go to our school, and I most defeinelty did not hang out with him after it.

Luke won the bet, the one we made at the beach that night Calum and Lauren tricked us into go on a stupid double dated. I said they'd last a month and he guessed 2 and that was about right. He was probably gloating in his mind about that when he realized he'd won.

Semester 2 was definitely easier than the first, Year 12 Maths surprisingly wasn't that tough. Lance helped me with it because he was a year older and we both were in the class. Plus now I did live at his house- it was weird being tutored because with Luke I was always the tutorer not tutoree. Were those even words?

It was July 4th right now, American Day- or something like that. About 4 months til I got to go home. It was a feeling of relief but also sadness, I'd actually enjoyed the time I spent here, and the people I'd met.

I pulled out my laptop and dediced to tweet something:

@CameronFitz: what is july 4th in america called again?

God, I'm so annoying. Within a minute my phone buzzed and I checked it seeing that I had a couple of notifications from twitter. Maybe people had decided to answer my weird question.

@Ashton5SOS: "@CameronFitz what is july 4th in america called again?" a saturday ;P

Great that was exactly what I needed, more sarcasm from the anime band, I checked to see what the other notifications were and it was new people following me and favouriting my tweet. I guessed it was because the drummer of the now YouTube famous band had just tweeted me. Why wasn't I fangirling?

Last month one of the boys videos had gotten to 500,000 views and they became the talk of the town. It was really odd, because even at school I got stopped by younger kids asking if I was friends with Luke, in which I replied with a 'not anymore'.

I decided to reply to Ashton because I was very bored and Lance was out with his girlfriend. I had nothing to do.

@CameronFitz: @Ashton5SOS , thanks bud! you saved the day.

I saw that Ashton had retweeted what I said and I laughed when about 20 more people decided to follow me. I barely tweeted so they could have fun looking at an empty timeline from me. I even got a few mentions from people asking if I was friends with 5SOS and if I could talk to them about whoever. God, is this what life is like when you're semi famous.

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