Chapter 26 - Cameron

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Dedication to eemily_5SOS because even though you never comment I always see it when you vote. SO thank you for that xo

Chapter 26 - Cameron

I walked back slowly to the house that I'd lived in most of my life. My driver was supposed to pick me up but I called him to let him know I was almost home- that was a lie, since the venue was about 45 minutes from my house. But I needed fresh air, air to clear my mind from Luke.

I tried to fix things, multiple times but he woudln't listen or even try to accept my apology. I should've known that this time I did really push someone too far away for them to be able to come back. But that's a life lesson, everyone leaves you at one point or another, whether it's from death, vengeance, or even love- people leave its a fact.

In a way I left, I was the one who ran away from the problem. I could've stayed longer in Aus and tried to solve things with Luke when he may have been more open to forgiving me. However and the past has shown I was too late.

Thought's like these filled and clogged my mind the whole walk home, it was all I could think about.

I finally reached home and Vayne let me in and greeted me with a smile, he wasn't too much older than me and I felt bad that he had to work here, standing in a booth all day long when he could've been in College. His job didn't pay much and my parents always made donations to people who couldn't afford to go but I didn't know why the didn't realize the person who should go and needed to go was right under their nose. For a lawyer and a CEO they were quite dumb.

"Cameron!" my mother exclaimed to me as I walked in the front door, covering me with a blanket. It was quite chill out as it was December and I felt stupid making the decision to walk home, but I guess that'd karma.

"God," she muttered to herself, "Kalcina!!" she hollered to our maid, who came scurrying into the hall.

"Fetch Cameron a hot bath," she spoke and then turned back to me.

I smiled at Kalcina, I tried to give her a sorry look for the rudeness in my mother's voice when she addressed her.

My mother then turned around to see what or who I was looking at and then yelled her again, "now!!"

As Kalcina hurried away I rolled my eyes and threw the unwanted blanket off of my shoulders and into my mother's arms. She dropped it as if it was something with an incurable disease.

"That was rude," she stated to me.

"You were the one being rude, mother," I bluntly said to her and begun to walk up the stairs heading for my room.

"Don't speak to me like that young lady," her voice rose and I continued walking ignoring her.

"Cameron Scott Fitzgerald, don't you walk away from me," she bellowed following me up the stairs.

"Or what?!" I exclaimed testing her.

"Or I'll-"

"You'll what?" I interrupted her, "send me off to live with strangers, believe your daughter is a coke user and dealer, send her to a boarding school, make a social worker do all your dirty work? Because guess what? You've already done those things so I don't know what's left for you to do to me," I let out in one breath.

"That isn't true."

"What part exactly do you mean?" I asked her.

"You know I love you," she said to me calming herself down.

"Action's speak louder than words," I said using the famous quote, and then it hit me. Luke would forgive me for telling him that I was sorry and that I wanted to take back everything I said to him. I had to physically show him how much he meant to me and that I didn't want to loose him. I had to do something that Cameron Fitzgerald would never do in a million years. Something to show him that I changed, and I was truly sorry.

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